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Sources For Trey Anastasio
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Date Venue Circ Date - Added Checksums Comments Last Edit #
Mayo Performing Arts Center, Morristown, NJ 02/09/2018 - 02/11/2018 FFP  [ zip for 140960 ] 0  02/11/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16, 44.1 kHz; Schoeps mk41v + Schoeps mk3 (Spaced omni) > Sound Devices Mixpre6; SD Card > Macbook Pro > Reaper > Sound Studio > xAct; Taped & Transferred by Noah Bickart 
Mayo Performing Arts Center, Morristown, NJ 02/09/2018 - 02/11/2018 FFP  [ zip for 140961 ] 0  02/11/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16, 44.1 kHz; Schoeps mk22 > Nbob KCY > Naiant PFA > Sound Devices Mixpre6; SD Card > Macbook Pro > Reaper > Sound Studio > xAct; Taped & Transferred by Noah Bickart 
State Theatre, Ithaca, NY 02/10/2018 - 02/11/2018 FFP  [ zip for 140962 ] 0  02/11/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16, 44.1 kHz; DPA 4023 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Sound Devices 722 (24/96); 722 > Firewire > Macbook > Sound Studio 3.6 (fades, normalize peak, +gain, track) > Wave Editor 1.5.7 (iZotope Resampler/MBIT+ Dither) > xACT 2.41 > flac16 (level 8); Taped & Transferred by Lenny Stubbe 
State Theatre, Ithaca, NY 02/10/2018 - 02/11/2018 FFP  [ zip for 140963 ] 1  02/11/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24, 96 kHz; DPA 4023 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Sound Devices 722 (24/96); 722 > Firewire > Macbook > Sound Studio 3.6 (fades, normalize peak, +gain, track) > xACT 2.41 > flac16 (level 8); Taped & Transferred by Lenny Stubbe 
Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, MA 02/11/2018 - 02/11/2018 FFP  [ zip for 140964 ] 0  02/11/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16, 44.1 kHz; Blue B6 > a60 > Naiant AKG Couplers/PFA > Sound Devices MixPre-6 (24/48); Waves > MacBook Pro > Sound Forge 2.5 (Normalize, Fade, Track) > xAct(Tagging) > Flac; Taped & Transferred by Ted Gakidis 
Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, MA 02/11/2018 - 02/14/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141015 ] 0  02/14/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Location: OTS/ right of center Balcony D Row EE between seat 5/6 Source: Schoeps mk41v (~70° @ 21cm)>kc5>cmc6>Sonosax SX-R4(24bit/96khz) Transfer: Sonosax SX-R4>USB>IMac>Pro Tools 12(hard limit -15.1 db,normalizing)>Audacity(tracking, fades)>Sony Soundforge Convrt(resample(izotope,highest settings)/dither(mbit+/ultra, high dither)to 16 bit/44.1k)>XAct(FLAC 8,ffp,fix sbe,tagging) Recorded, Transferred & Seeded by Andy Murray 
Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, MA 02/11/2018 - 02/14/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141016 ] 0  02/14/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Location: OTS/ right of center Balcony D Row EE between seat 5/6 Source: Schoeps mk22 (60° @ 31cm)>nbob actives>Naiant PFAs>Sonosax SX-R4(24bit/96khz) Transfer: Sonosax SX-R4>USB>IMac>Pro Tools 12(hard limit -15.1 db,normalizing)>Audacity(tracking, fades)>Sony Soundforge Convrt(resample(izotope,highest settings)/dither(mbit+/ultra, high dither)to 16 bit/44.1k)>XAct(FLAC 8,ffp,fix sbe,tagging) Recorded, Transferred & Seeded by Andy Murray 
Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, MA 02/13/2018 - 02/14/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141017 ] 0  02/14/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Taper: Keith Antaya Source 1: MG21(Hypers)>nBob Actives>nBox Elite>Zoom F8(24/48) Source 2: MG20(Cards)>nBob Actives>nBox Elite>Zoom F8(24/48) Location: Balcony Center Row EE Conversion: SDHC Card>Adobe Audition 3.0>CDWave 1.71 Mastering: Reaper (DSP & EQ)> izotope dither and src> Sound Studio (tracking) Xact (Tag & Flac) Mastering and Uploading by Noah Bickart 
Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, MA 02/17/2018 - 02/18/2018 flac-md5  [ zip for 141078 ] 0  02/18/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Source: Schoeps MK4's>Schoeps CMR's>Naiant PFA>Edriol R-44 OCM Transfers: SDHC>Adobe Audition>Cakewalk Pyro>.WAV>FLAC Location: OTS, Balcony Center Row EE 
Byham Theater, Pittsburgh, PA 02/13/2018 - 02/14/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141018 ] 0  02/14/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 44.1khz Source: Core Sound Binaurals > Tascam DR-05 Tracks split with Audacity Flacs encoded with xACT Location: Front row center balcony Taper: Nikres 
Grand Opera House, Wilmington, DE 02/14/2018 - 02/14/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141019 ] 0  02/14/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Taper: John Bartol Source: Neumann TLM 170 (hypercardioid x/y 90)> SD 744 @ 24/96 Mastering: Reaper (DSP & EQ)> izotope dither and src> Sound Studio (tracking) Xact (Tag & Flac) Mastering and Uploading by Noah Bickart 
Grand Opera House, Wilmington, DE 02/14/2018 - 02/15/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141031 ] 0  02/15/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96khz Taper: Chris King Source: Schoeps mk41v [x/y 90 degrees]> kcy> aki> M222> NT222> Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Mastering: Reaper (DSP)> Sound Studio (tracking) Xact (Tag & Flac) Mastering and Uploading by Noah Bickart 
Grand Opera House, Wilmington, DE 02/15/2018 - 02/15/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141032 ] 0  02/15/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96khz Taper: Chris King Source: Schoeps mk21(nos)Kcy>Schoeps Vst 62IUg>(Internal Pre)Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Mastering: Sound Studio (tracking) Xact (Tag & Flac) Mastering and Uploading by Noah Bickart 
Grand Opera House, Wilmington, DE 02/15/2018 - 02/15/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141044 ] 0  02/15/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96khz Taper: Chris King Source: Schoeps mk22(STC 22G)>kc5>cmc6>EAA PSP-2>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Mastering: Sound Studio (tracking) Xact (Tag & Flac) Mastering and Uploading by Noah Bickart 
Grand Opera House, Wilmington, DE 02/15/2018 - 02/17/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141059 ] 0  02/17/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Source: Schoeps mk41v's(DIN)>kc5>m222>nt222>788t + Neumann ak43's(NOS)>lc3>lemosax>788t Location: Clamped To Balcony Rail/DFC Transfer: 788t>Wavelab 6>CD Wave>Wavelab 6>Flac Taped and Transferred by: Derek Davis 
Grand Opera House, Wilmington, DE 03/11/2018 - 03/11/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141318 ] 0  03/11/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Taped by Tapernate Loc: DFC-first row balcony on extension pole with CK Sources: Source 1: Neumann ak50(ortf)-lc3-km100-xlr-sd788 @24/96 Source 2: Neumann ak40(ortf)-lc3-km100-xlr-sd788 @24/96 Matrix of all sources made on SF Pro for Mac 
Grand Opera House, Wilmington, DE 03/11/2018 - 03/11/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141319 ] 0  03/11/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Taped by Tapernate Loc: DFC-first row balcony on extension pole with CK Source 1: Neumann ak50(ortf)-lc3-km100-xlr-sd788 @24/96  
Grand Opera House, Wilmington, DE 03/11/2018 - 03/11/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141320 ] 0  03/11/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Taped by Tapernate Loc: DFC-first row balcony on extension pole with CK Source 2: Neumann ak40(ortf)-lc3-km100-xlr-sd788 @24/96 
Sixth And I, Washington, DC 02/14/2018 - 02/15/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141033 ] 0  02/15/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Source: DPA 4023 > Sound Devices MixPre-6 (24/48) Transfer: MP6 > iMac. Tracked and resampled to 16-bit via Sound Studio, FLAC via xACT Recorded by Alex Leary 
Sixth And I, Washington, DC 02/15/2018 - 02/15/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141041 ] 0  02/15/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 48khz Source: DPA 4023 > Sound Devices MixPre-6 (24/48) Transfer: MP6 > iMac. Tracked via Sound Studio, FLAC via xACT Recorded by Alex Leary 
Sixth And I, Washington, DC 02/15/2018 - 02/15/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141042 ] 0  02/15/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Source:Schoeps mk41v (xy)>kcy aki> M222> NT222>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk21(nos)Kcy>Schoeps Vst 62IUg>(Internal Pre)Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk22(STC 22G)>kc5>cmc6>EAA PSP-2>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Location:FOC DFC 6ft Transfer:SDHC>Audacity Matrix 16/44.1>Amadeus Pro>xACT Taped By: Chris King 
Sixth And I, Washington, DC 02/15/2018 - 02/15/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141043 ] 0  02/15/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96khz Source:Schoeps mk41v (xy)>kcy aki> M222> NT222>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk21(nos)Kcy>Schoeps Vst 62IUg>(Internal Pre)Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk22(STC 22G)>kc5>cmc6>EAA PSP-2>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Location:FOB DFC 6ft Transfer:SDHC>Audacity Matrix 24/96>Amadeus Pro>xACT Taped By: Chris King 
Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC 02/17/2018 - 02/17/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141058 ] 0  02/17/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1kHz Telefunken TK62 > Telefunken M60 > Audioroot Femto > Tascam DR-680 MKII @ 2496 > SDXC; SDXC > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); Location: ROC, Balcony Right Row A Seat 6; Recorded & Processed by Jeff Mitchell 
Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC 02/17/2018 - 02/17/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141061 ] 0  02/17/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 88.2khz Source: Schoeps MK4/CMC6 > Sound Devices 744T at 24/88.2 Location: 1st balcony, Row A DFC Conversion: 24 bit 88.2 k wav files split into tracks with CD Wave, fades at beginning & end of show with Sound Forge 6.0, FLAC files generated with dBpoweramp Music Converter, tagged with foobar2000. Recording & conversion by Robbie Dunn 
Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC 02/17/2018 - 02/17/2018 FFP  flac-md5  [ zip for 141073 ] 1  03/03/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 48khz Schoeps mk41(PAS)>KCY>PFA>Mix Pre 6>wav(24/48)>flac Recorded by John Wilson. 
Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC 02/17/2018 - 02/17/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141074 ] 0  02/17/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Source:Schoeps mk41v (xy)>kcy aki> M222> NT222>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk21(nos)Kcy>Schoeps Vst 62IUg>(Internal Pre)Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk22(STC 22G)>kc5>cmc6>EAA PSP-2>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Location:FOB DFC 6ft Transfer:SDHC>Audacity Matrix 16/44.1>Amadeus Pro>xACT Taped By: Chris King 
Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC 02/17/2018 - 02/17/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141075 ] 0  02/17/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 48khz Source:Schoeps mk41v (xy)>kcy aki> M222> NT222>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk21(nos)Kcy>Schoeps Vst 62IUg>(Internal Pre)Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk22(STC 22G)>kc5>cmc6>EAA PSP-2>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Location:FOB DFC 6ft Transfer:SDHC>Audacity Matrix 24/48>Amadeus Pro>xACT Taped By: Chris King 
Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC 02/20/2018 - 02/20/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141104 ] 0  02/20/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1kHz Telefunken TK60 > Telefunken M60 > Sound Devices MixPre-D > Tascam DR-680 MKII @ 2496 > SDXC; SDXC > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); ROC, Balcony Right Row A Seat 6; Recorded & Processed by Jeff Mitchell 
Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC 02/20/2018 - 02/20/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141105 ] 0  02/20/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96kHz Telefunken TK60 > Telefunken M60 > Sound Devices MixPre-D > Tascam DR-680 MKII @ 2496 > SDXC; SDXC > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); ROC, Balcony Right Row A Seat 6; Recorded & Processed by Jeff Mitchell 
Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC 02/20/2018 - 02/20/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141107 ] 0  02/20/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96kHz Telefunken TK62 > Telefunken M60 > Audioroot Femto > Tascam DR-680 MKII @ 2496 > SDXC; SDXC > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); ROC, Balcony Right Row A Seat 6 
Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC 02/22/2018 - 02/22/2018 Trey Anastasio2018-02-16_OTS MK41.ffp  [ zip for 141141 ] 0  02/22/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: Trey Anastasio 16 February 2018 Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC (solo acoustic tour) Source: OTS: off center to the right: Schoeps MK4a (DINa) -> Schoeps KCY -> Schoes VMS5u -> Mytek 192 -> Sound Devices 744t 96 kHz, 24 bits Setlist: More Water in the Sky banter Wolfman's Brother Brian & Robert The Inlaw Josie Wales banter Blaze On Farmhouse Backwards down the Number Line Miss You banter Till We Meet Again The Wedge Bouncing around the Room Free Strange Design Tube Waste The Lizards Fuego -> Wilson Encore Break: banter Sleeping Monkey banter Sleeping Monkey Bathtub Gin Chalkdust Tortue Much thanks to Joey Eels of Greensboro, NC, for agreeing to help out a fellow (stranger) taper....this show was on a Friday, and earlier than Monday I had to have a fairly serious shoulder surgery. Besides just helping me carry my gear, Joey went out of his way to make sure both of my clamps were attached on the stand where I want, and that I had my angles on things how I wanted (which was fairly crucial since I couldn't lift my arm straight out or over my head at all). Big thanks to a fellow taper.....what a killer community we have! 
Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC 02/22/1918 - 02/22/2018 Trey Anastasio2018-02-16_OTS MK4.ffp  [ zip for 141143 ] 0  03/05/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: Schoeps MK4 (DIN) -> Schoeps KC5 (modified) -> nBox Platinum -> Sound Devices 744t 96 kHz, 24 bits taped, transferred, & edited by jadedphan 
Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC 02/22/2018 - 02/23/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141150 ] 0  02/23/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96khs Source: OTS: off center to the right: Schoeps MK4 (DIN) -> Schoeps KC5 (modified) -> nBox Platinum -> Sound Devices 744t 96 kHz, 24 bits taped, transferred, & edited by jadedphan 
Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC 02/22/2018 - 02/26/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141184 ] 0  02/26/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96khz Source: OTS: off center to the right: Schoeps MK4a (DINa) -> Schoeps KCY -> Schoes VMS5u -> Mytek 192 -> Sound Devices 744t 96 kHz, 24 bits taped, transferred, & edited by jadedphan 
Knight Theatre at Levine Center for the Arts, Charlotte, NC 02/18/2018 - 02/18/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141079 ] 2  02/18/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Source:Schoeps mk41v (xy)>kcy aki> M222> NT222>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk21(nos)Kcy>Schoeps Vst 62IUg>(Internal Pre)Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk22(STC 22G)>kc5>cmc6>EAA PSP-2>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Location:6ft Transfer:SDHC>Audacity Matrix 16/44.1>Amadeus Pro>xACT Taped By: Chris King 
Knight Theatre at Levine Center for the Arts, Charlotte, NC 02/18/2018 - 02/18/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141080 ] 0  02/18/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1kHz Telefunken TK60 > Telefunken M60 > Sound Devices MixPre-D > Tascam DR-680 MKII @ 2496 > SDXC; SDXC > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] (normalize, iZotope Ozone MBit+ dither & resample) > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); JLOC, last row orchestra, ~8' high, DIN; Recorded and processed by Jeff Mitchell 
Knight Theatre at Levine Center for the Arts, Charlotte, NC 02/18/2018 - 02/18/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141081 ] 0  02/18/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1kHz Telefunken TK62 > Telefunken M60 > Audioroot Femto > Tascam DR-680 MKII @ 2496 > SDXC; SDXC > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] (normalize, iZotope Ozone MBit+ dither & resample) > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); JLOC, last row orchestra, ~8' high, ORTF; Recorded and processed by Jeff Mitchell 
Knight Theatre at Levine Center for the Arts, Charlotte, NC 02/18/2018 - 02/18/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141087 ] 0  02/18/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96khz Source:Schoeps mk41v (xy)>kcy aki> M222> NT222>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk21(nos)Kcy>Schoeps Vst 62IUg>(Internal Pre)Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk22(STC 22G)>kc5>cmc6>EAA PSP-2>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Location:6ft Transfer:SDHC>Audacity Matrix 24/96>Amadeus Pro>xACT Taped By: Chris King 
Knight Theatre at Levine Center for the Arts, Charlotte, NC 02/19/2018 - 02/19/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141097 ] 0  02/19/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 48khz Schoeps mk41>KCY>CMC6>Lunatec V2>744t>wav(24/48)>flac Recorded by Camden Bouchard 
Knight Theatre at Levine Center for the Arts, Charlotte, NC 02/19/2018 - 02/19/2018 flac-md5  ffp  [ zip for 141098 ] 0  02/19/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 48khz Schoeps mk4v>MixPre6>wav(24/48)>flac Recorded by John Wilson 
Knight Theatre at Levine Center for the Arts, Charlotte, NC 02/20/2018 - 02/20/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141109 ] 0  02/20/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96kHz Telefunken TK60 > Telefunken M60 > Sound Devices MixPre-D > Tascam DR-680 MKII @ 2496 > SDXC; SDXC > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); JLOC, last row orchestra, ~8' high, DIN; Recorded and processed by Jeff Mitchell 
Knight Theatre at Levine Center for the Arts, Charlotte, NC 02/20/2018 - 02/20/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141110 ] 0  02/20/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96kHz Telefunken TK62 > Telefunken M60 > Audioroot Femto > Tascam DR-680 MKII @ 2496 > SDXC; SDXC > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); JLOC, last row orchestra, ~8' high, ORTF; Recorded and processed by Jeff Mitchell 
Knight Theatre at Levine Center for the Arts, Charlotte, NC 02/22/2018 - 02/23/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141148 ] 0  02/23/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96khz Taper: George Wang Source: DPA 4028 > Sound Devices MixPre-6 @ 24/96 Location: Orchestra Front Center Row D Seat 312, 6th row center WAV > FLAC: .wav @ 24/96 > Audacity 2.1.2  
Knight Theatre at Levine Center for the Arts, Charlotte, NC 02/22/2018 - 02/23/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141149 ] 0  02/23/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Taper: George Wang Source: DPA 4028 > Sound Devices MixPre-6 @ 24/96 Location: Orchestra Front Center Row D Seat 312, 6th row center WAV > FLAC: .wav @ 24/96 > Audacity 2.1.2 (dither to 16/44.1) 
Classic Center, Athens, GA  - 02/19/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141091 ] 0  02/19/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Source: Schoeps CCM4V's>Lunatec V2>Sound Devices 722 (24/44) BOB/DFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP Section 105, Row AA, Seat 108, Clamped To The Rail, 6 1/2' High DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 10.0>CD Wave>flac(16) ID3 Tagged In Foobar 2000 Recorded By: Z-Man Seeded By: Z-Man 
Classic Center, Athens, GA  - 02/19/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141092 ] 0  02/19/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Source:Schoeps mk41v (xy)>kcy aki> M222> NT222>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk21(nos)Kcy>Schoeps Vst 62IUg>(Internal Pre)Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk22(STC 22G)>kc5>cmc6>EAA PSP-2>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Location:DFC 4ft Transfer:SDHC>Audacity Matrix 24/96>Amadeus Pro>xACT Taped By: Chris King 
Classic Center, Athens, GA 02/19/2018 - 02/19/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141101 ] 0  02/19/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1kHz Telefunken TK60 > Telefunken M60 > Audioroot Femto > Tascam DR-680 MKII @ 2496 > SDXC; SDXC > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] (normalize, iZotope Ozone MBit+ dither & resample) > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); DFC, Section 105, Row AA, Seat 109, 6' high, DIN; Recorded and processed by Jeff Mitchell 
Classic Center, Athens, GA 02/19/2018 - 02/19/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141102 ] 0  02/19/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1kHz Telefunken TK62 > Telefunken M60 > Sound Devices MixPre-D > Tascam DR-680 MKII @ 2496 > SDXC; SDXC > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] (normalize, iZotope Ozone MBit+ dither & resample) > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); DFC, Section 105, Row AA, Seat 109, 6' high, ORTF; Recorded and processed by Jeff Mitchell 
Classic Center, Athens, GA 02/19/2018 - 02/19/2018 flac-md5  ffp  [ zip for 141103 ] 0  02/19/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Source: Schoeps CMR/mk4 (ORTF) > Naiant PFA > Oade Concert Mod Marantz PMD-661 (24/48) Location: FOH Transfer: SDHC > HD > Wavelab 6 > CD Wave > FLAC Taped, Transferred & Seeded by Dennis Tyler 
Classic Center, Athens, GA 02/20/2018 - 02/20/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141106 ] 0  02/20/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96kHz Telefunken TK60 > Telefunken M60 > Audioroot Femto > Tascam DR-680 MKII @ 2496 > SDXC; SDXC > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); DFC, Section 105, Row AA, Seat 109, 6' high, DIN; Recorded and processed by Jeff Mitchell 
Classic Center, Athens, GA 02/20/2018 - 02/20/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141108 ] 0  02/20/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96kHz Telefunken TK62 > Telefunken M60 > Sound Devices MixPre-D > Tascam DR-680 MKII @ 2496 > SDXC; SDXC > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); DFC, Section 105, Row AA, Seat 109, 6' high, ORTF; Recorded and processed by Jeff Mitchell 
Classic Center, Athens, GA 02/20/2018 - 02/20/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141123 ] 0  02/20/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96khz Source:Schoeps mk41v (xy)>kcy aki> M222> NT222>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk21(nos)Kcy>Schoeps Vst 62IUg>(Internal Pre)Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Source:Schoeps mk22(STC 22G)>kc5>cmc6>EAA PSP-2>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96 Location:DFC 4ft Transfer:SDHC>Audacity Matrix 24/96>Amadeus Pro>xACT Taped By: Chris King  
House Of Blues, Cleveland, OH 04/18/2018 - 05/01/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141838 ] 0  05/01/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 Core Sound Binaurals > Tascam DR-05; Tracks split and converted with Audacity; Flacs encoded with xACT; Location: Right side of soundboard; Taper: Nikres 
House Of Blues, Cleveland, OH 04/18/2018 - 05/01/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141839 ] 0  05/01/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 Core Sound Binaurals > Tascam DR-05; Tracks split with Audacity; Flacs encoded with xACT; Location: Right side of soundboard; Taper: Nikres 
Iron City, Birmingham, AL 04/25/2018 - 04/25/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141765 ] 0  04/25/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1kHz Schoeps CCM4V's>Lunatec V2>Sound Devices 722 (24/44) FOB/DFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP Clamped To The Rail, 30' From Stage, 7' High; Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 10.0>CD Wave>flac(16)ID3 Tagged In Foobar 2000; Recorded By: Z-Man 
Iron City, Birmingham, AL 04/25/2018 - 04/25/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141766 ] 0  04/25/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 48kHz Telefunken TK60 > Telefunken M60 > Sound Devices MixPre-6; SDXC > Samplitude Pro X3 > dBpoweramp Music Converter > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); DFC, 9' high, ORTF; Recorded by Jeff Mitchell 
Iron City, Birmingham, AL 04/25/2018 - 04/25/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141767 ] 0  04/25/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 48kHz Telefunken TK62 > Telefunken M60 > Sound Devices MixPre-6; SDXC > Samplitude Pro X3 > dBpoweramp Music Converter > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); DFC, 9' high, DIN; Recorded by Jeff Mitchell 
Iron City, Birmingham, AL  - 04/28/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141782 ] 0  04/28/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Source: Schoeps CMR/mk4 (wORTF) > Naiant PFA > Oade Concert Mod Marantz PMD-661 (24/48) Location: FOB / Lower Rail Transfer: SDHC > HD > Wavelab 6 > CD Wave > FLAC Taped, Transferred & Seeded by Dennis Tyler 
Iron City, Birmingham, AL  - 04/28/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141783 ] 0  04/28/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Source: Schoeps mk41v (DINa)> KCY> vst62iu> E.A.A. PSP2> SDmixpre10t Location: FOB/DFC Transfer: SD>Audacity16/44.1>AmadeusPro>xACT Taped, tracked, seeded by Adam Downs (@Big_Perm_taper) 
Iron City, Birmingham, AL 04/25/2018 - 05/01/2018 flac-md5  ffp  [ zip for 141840 ] 0  05/10/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 Schoeps CMR/mk4 (wORTF) > Naiant PFA > Oade Concert Mod Marantz PMD-661 (24/48); FOB / Lower Rail; SDHC > HD > Wavelab 6 > CD Wave > FLAC; Taped, Transferred & Seeded by Dennis Tyler 
Iron City, Birmingham, AL 04/26/2018 - 05/01/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141841 ] 0  05/01/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 Schoeps mk41v (DINa)> KCY> vst62iu> E.A.A. PSP2> SDmixpre10t; FOB/DFC; SD>Audacity16/44.1>AmadeusPro>xACT; Taped, tracked, seeded by Adam Downs 
Iron City, Birmingham, AL 04/30/2018 - 05/01/2018 ffp  flac-md5  [ zip for 141846 ] 0  05/10/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 Neumann KM184 -> Sound Devices MixPre6; SD > Audacity > Trader's Little Helper; DFC, 7.5' high, XY; Recorded by Troy 
Civic Theatre, New Orleans, LA 04/27/2018 - 05/01/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141842 ] 0  05/01/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 MBHO ka200 (ORTF) + MBHO ka500 (DINa, 9ft, fob/loc)>Naiant PFA>MixPre6 (SD Card) @ 24/48; MP6>USB>Audacity (dither, resample)>CDWav (tracking)>TLH (Flac level 6)>Foobar2000 (Live Show Tagger) 
Civic Theatre, New Orleans, LA 07/23/2018 - 07/23/2018 ffp  [ zip for 142735 ] 0  07/23/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 48kHz Schoeps MK41 > Nbobs/PFA > Sound Devices MixPre-6; Samplitude Pro X3 > dBpoweramp Music Converter > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); FOB 9' high; Recorded by Walk Ferguson 
Civic Theatre, New Orleans, LA 04/28/2018 - 05/01/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141843 ] 0  05/01/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 MBHO ka200 (NOS) + MBHO ka500 (DINa, 9ft, fob/loc)>Naiant PFA>MixPre6 (SD Card) @ 24/48; MP6>USB>Audacity (dither, resample)>CDWav (tracking)>TLH (Flac level 6)>Foobar2000 (Live Show Tagger) 
Civic Theatre, New Orleans, LA 07/23/2018 - 07/23/2018 ffp  [ zip for 142736 ] 0  07/23/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 48kHz Schoeps MK41 > Nbobs/PFA > Sound Devices MixPre-6; Samplitude Pro X3 > dBpoweramp Music Converter > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); FOB 9' high; Recorded by Walk Ferguson 
Civic Theatre, New Orleans, LA 04/29/2018 - 05/01/2018 ffp  [ zip for 141844 ] 0  05/01/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 MBHO ka200 (NOS) + MBHO ka500 (DINa, 9ft, fob/loc)>Naiant PFA>MixPre6 (SD Card) @ 24/48; MP6>USB>Audacity (dither, resample)>CDWav (tracking)>TLH (Flac level 6)>Foobar2000 (Live Show Tagger) 
Civic Theatre, New Orleans, LA 07/23/2018 - 07/23/2018 ffp  [ zip for 142737 ] 0  07/23/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 48kHz Schoeps MK41 > Nbobs/PFA > Sound Devices MixPre-6; Samplitude Pro X3 > dBpoweramp Music Converter > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); FOB 9' high; Recorded by Walk Ferguson 
Sprint Pavilion, Charlottesville, VA 07/11/2018 - 07/14/2018 ffp  [ zip for 142678 ] 0  07/14/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz (FOB-6'ROC, stand @8') Beyer M201s(XY)>Luminous Monarch XLRs> Marantz PMD-561(Oade CMOD) @24/48> Audacity(16/44)>CDWave(splits)> Flac Frontend(Level 6) Recording and transfer by DATBRAD 
Sprint Pavilion, Charlottesville, VA 07/10/2018 - 07/14/2018 ffp  [ zip for 142679 ] 0  07/14/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Source: Schoeps mk41v's(DIN)>kc5>m222>nt222>788t + Neumann ak43's(NOS)>lc3>lemosax>788t Location: FOB/DFC Transfer: 788t>Wavelab 6>CD Wave>Wavelab 6>Flac Taped and Transferred by: Derek Davis 
Summerstage, Central Park, New York, NY 07/08/2018 - 07/08/2018 ffp  [ zip for 142573 ] 0  07/08/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 44.1khz Recorded By: Scott Brown Source: DPA 4023 > Nagra EMP > Mytek Brooklyn ADC @ 24 bit, 96khz > Sound Devices 744T 744T > Apple MacBook Pro > DSP Quattro 5.0.7 (tracking, normalization) > Wave Editor 1.5.8 (resample to 44.1khz, dither to 16 bit) > xACT 2.46b(7953) > flac Location: Left front corner of the soundboard area 
Summerstage, Central Park, New York, NY 07/08/2018 - 07/08/2018 ffp  [ zip for 142574 ] 0  07/08/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 96 khz Recorded By: Scott Brown Source: DPA 4023 > Nagra EMP > Mytek Brooklyn ADC @ 24 bit, 96khz > Sound Devices 744T 744T > Apple MacBook Pro > DSP Quattro 5.0.7 (tracking, normalization) > xACT 2.46b(7953) > flac Location: Left front corner of the soundboard area 
Summerstage, Central Park, New York, NY 07/20/2018 - 07/21/2018 flac-md5  ffp  [ zip for 142719 ] 0  07/21/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac24 Neumann TLM-170(hypercardoids, FOB center)->Sound Devices 722(@24/96); FLAC File processing in SoundForge 12 (clap/yell scrubbing); Tracked in CDWav. IDv3 tagged in Tag&Rename 3.9.15 
Summerstage, Central Park, New York, NY 07/20/2018 - 07/21/2018 flac-md5  ffp  [ zip for 142720 ] 0  07/21/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 Neumann TLM-170(hypercardoids, FOB center)->Sound Devices 722(@24/96); FLAC File processing in SoundForge 12 (clap/yell scrubbing; volume normalization; resample to 44.1 at Interpolation Accuracy 4 w/anti-alias filter; 24->16 bit dither using POW-r Dither and POW-r #3 Noise Shaping); Tracked in CDWav. IDv3 tagged in Tag&Rename 3.9.15 
Summerstage, Central Park, New York, NY 07/23/2018 - 07/24/2018 ffp  [ zip for 142746 ] 0  07/24/2018 Add
Trey Anastasio: flac16 Source / Lineage : FOB Microtech Gefell M210s > Oade M248 > SD 722 > SD Card > me > Adobe Audition > RX4 Advance > TLH level 8 > flac 16 > you > enjoy Taped by Jon Pasternak Tracked by StPatric 

Please send any additions, corrections, and/or comments for this list to Jeff Mitchell or Terry Watts, or use this link to place an entry in queue for my approval: Add SHN.

Please be aware that "fixes" or "upgrades" to existing sources will only be added as a new entry if significant changes (patches from other sources, pitch fixes, etc.) are made. Minor changes, such as SBE fixes, will be listed in the existing entry. Insignificant changes (i.e., fades, tracking, renaming tracks) will not be added since these changes are at an individuals' discretion!

As of July 2011, 16 bit & 24 bit versions of the same source will get different shnid database entires.  Previous source entries with both 16 bit & 24 bit versions in the same entry will remain as is.

Public comments can and should also be added by clicking on the show's date, then following the link in the upper left of the details page.

Please limit public comments to entry corrections and show/source quality comments. Include your email address as I may need to contact you for any entry corrections. All other comments, including "Where are the md5's?," will be deleted!

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