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Grateful Dead 02/12/67
Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA
Set I
setlist unknown, see note
Set II
Abe Lincoln's Birthday Party- - Council for Civic Unity benefit Other artist(s): GD: Moby Grape; Sly & The Family Stone; New Salvation Army Banned; Notes Fron The Underground; for comments about setlist or material incorrectly? circulated as this date, see and/or
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(18124) View Source    View Archive
2 songs most likely from studio (see notes)
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Marc Deardorff (1/5) shn / 1 View 18124
Notes: 2 songs most likely from studio (see notes)
phil (1/5) shn / 0 a View 18124 studio? (see etree notes)
Notes: 1967 project
Brian C (1/4.7) SHN / 1 A A View   SBD>??>CD>SHN
Notes: w/4/12/89
woodenalligator (1/5) CDR / 1 A A View   SB
thegreatdivide6 (1/0) shn / 0 View 18124
Stuart Ferguson (1/4.3) CDR / 1 View   Soundboard
Notes: DVD 1184; lineage: 2 songs most likely from studio (see notes)
KB Larsen (1/5) shn / 1 View 18124
Notes: Thanks Torbjorn! 1 (short) audio. shns archived on misc 67 with 8-4&5 and 11-14 shns.
x poordevil (1/5) dvd shn / 1 View 18124
J Parzych (1/5) FLAC / 0 View 18124
Joe (1/5) SHN / 0 View 18124
John Peters (1/0) FLAC / 1 View 18124 SBD
Geoff MacNaughton (1/5) / 1 B+ View 18124 SBD?
Richard Markley (1/5) SHN / 1 View 18124
Notes: DVD426
Matt Vernon (1/4.8) SHN / 1 B+ A- View 18124
Notes: 2 songs, most likely from studio NOT on this date (but commonly circulated as such). One user posted this comment: "These two songs are from 11/19/66. Sound is much better, and the playback speed is a little different, but I compared various segments: Pig's vocal inflections and harmonica runs - and Jerry's solos - are the same." Anycase its Smokestack > Bee and showcases the GD's Blues Band with Pigpen as the frontman. Sound quality is good.
SpiralLightofVenus (1/5) FLAC / 0 SBD View 18124
Notes: SBD TB4
Mark Diamond (1/3) / 1 View 18124
GratefulBrad (1/5) flac / 0 View 18124
winterland121072 (1/0) / 0 View 18124
Cosmic Bob (1/5) CD / 0 View   AUD
kam (1/0) flac / 0 View 18124
Israel Frankel (1/0) flac cd-r / 1 View 18124
Ralph King (1/0) shn / 0 View 18124
Notes: 18124
Charlie Yohe (1/5) CDR / 1 View 18124
Notes: also studio Fall 1967 and Viola Lee 10/20/67
doug smith (1/0) shn / 1 View 18124
OBIE (1/5) SHN / 1 View 18124
Carter (1/5) CDR / 1 View  
Tommy Danscuk (1/5) shn / 1 View 18124 Sbd > Reel
Rich Gaul (1/5) CD / 1 View 18124
brett garvey (1/5) SHN / 1 A View 18124 SBD>???>CDR
Notes: gd1967 1 of 2
LossLess Legs (1/0) SHN 18124 / 1 View 18124 2 songs most likely from studio (see notes)
Notes: 12/14/2006 - norm - 18124 - PASS md5