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Grateful Dead 02/12/67
Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA
Set I
setlist unknown, see note
Set II
Abe Lincoln's Birthday Party- - Council for Civic Unity benefit Other artist(s): GD: Moby Grape; Sly & The Family Stone; New Salvation Army Banned; Notes Fron The Underground; for comments about setlist or material incorrectly? circulated as this date, see and/or
Last Changed By System
(18124) View Source    View Archive
2 songs most likely from studio (see notes)
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
BarryW (0/0) / 0 View 18124
Seth (0/5) SHN / 1 View 18124
furthurdb (0/4) CDR / HDD / 1 View 18124
Notes: SBD - Possible studio session
Manfred Jungeblut (0/0) / 0 View 18124
davd (0/0) / 0 View 18124
Keith (0/0) / 0 B+ View 18124
Notes: SBD
rhchilipeppers2 (0/0) shn / 1 View 18124
Steve (0/0) / 0 View 18124
Chris Davis (0/5) cdr / 1 A+ View 18124 excellent quality
Notes: Smokestack>King Bee
Jon Munson (0/0) / 0 View  
Fred (0/0) / 0 View 18124
Casey (0/0) / 0 View 18124
a-train (0/0) / 0 View 18124
scotch1975 (0/0) / 0 View 18124
dms (0/0) SHN / 1 View 18124
Notes: 2 songs most likely from studio (see notes) --Primal #02
Dionietzschean (0/0) Shn / 1 View 18124
Notes: Located On Master DVD #195
tom radocha (0/5) / 1 View  
Notes: 5.5.67 is on this disc also.
AmyRose (0/0) / 0 View 18124
TugMcG (0/0) CD / 1 View 18124
Eric Richbourg (0/0) shn / 1 View 18124 2 songs most likely from studio (see notes)
Bob Hanlon (0/0) / 0 View 18124
Sister Creepy (0/0) shn / 1 View 18124 Unknown>SBD
Notes: "Abe Lincoln's Birthday Party, Council for Civil Unity Benefit".
Bob Abrams (0/5) / 0 View 18124
darkstar1964 (0/0) / 0 View 18124
Notes: gd67-02-12.sbd.theotherwayne.18124.sbeok.shnf
Tim Blake (0/5) FLAC / 1 View 18124 Recordings (?) SB. From A unknown generation source.
Notes: 91.4MB
Adam Biechele (0/0) / 0 View 18124
EyesOfWorld (0/0) / 0 View  
pigpen81 (0/0) / 0 View 18124
mustdye (0/5) / 0 View 18124
Wes R (0/0) HD / 0 View   Unknown