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Steve Miller Band 07/01/73
Record Plant, Sausalito, CA
Set I
Fly Like an Eagle/My Dark Hour tease
Just Like a Woman
Mary Lou
The Sky is Crying
Living in the USA
Shu Ba Da Du Ma Ma Ma
Yonder Wall
Gangster of Love
Space Cowboy
Kow Kow Calqulator
The Joker
Going to the Country
Jackson-Kent Blues
Rock Me Baby
Set II
Last Changed By Dave M [db.etree admin]
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Swayze (5/5) / 1 A A View  
Kevin Sigafoos (5/1.5) shn / 1 View  
John Schwarz (5/0) CDR / 1 A View  
Bluegrass Archivist (5/5) CDR / 1 View  
tom kunz (5/5) shn / 1 View  
Sunshineannie (5/3) SHN / 1 View  
Notes: KSAN Beanstalk II Disc 9 of 11
John Cook (4/5) SHN / 1 View  
Notes: 373 MB
Steve K (4/5) FLAC / 1 A View   FM
Freebird 63 (4/5) CDR / 1 A A View   SBD/FM
Notes: Great Show. Steve sounds Great. Lotta GROOVE on this recording. Quintessential Steve Miller.
Brad Foster (4/4.9) FLAC / 1 View   FM (KSAN)
Steve Hemric (4/4.8) SHN / 1 View  
Notes: 1 CDR disc
Peri (4/5) CDR / 1 A A+ View  
Karyn (4/5) CDR / 1 View  
LEE SPATZ (4/0) / 0 A A View   SBD>
Mike L. (4/4.9) CDR / 1 A View   FM
Notes: Seamless DAO
Bohac (4/0) flac / 0 A View  
Notes: A great-sounding recording of the band having a good time. They play only a few "hits," but there's a bunch of jamming, and even a nice lil' bass solo
terryfunku (4/5) FLAC / 1 A A+ View  
Perks (4/5) CDR / 1 A View  
Notes: Radio session. Slightly noticeable editing
Erin (4/0) CD-R / 1 View  
Chris (4/5) SHN / 1 View   Pre-FM SBD Master Reels > ?? > WAV > mkwACT > SHN
bpigott (4/5) CDR / 1 View  
Mark W. (4/5) cdr / 1 A View  
Notes: Steve shows he knows the blues.
Les Robin (4/0) CD-R / 1 B+ B View   FM
Notes: edited to 45 minutes
harris moreida (4/0) CDR+SHN / 1 A A View   Sdbd
Notes: CdAe
Jeff Strause (4/0) CD / 1 View  
Brian Boyd (4/5) SHN / 1 View   unknown
kb panic (3/5) CD-R / 1 B- View   SBD
Henry (3/4.5) FLAC / 0 View  
Gaston Petrollini (3/5) cd-r / 1 View   FM
john zicconi (3/5) CDR / 1 FM View   FM