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Grateful Dead 02/12/67
Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA
Set I
setlist unknown, see note
Set II
Abe Lincoln's Birthday Party- - Council for Civic Unity benefit Other artist(s): GD: Moby Grape; Sly & The Family Stone; New Salvation Army Banned; Notes Fron The Underground; for comments about setlist or material incorrectly? circulated as this date, see and/or
Last Changed By System
(18124) View Source    View Archive
2 songs most likely from studio (see notes)
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Mike Pageau (3/0) SBD 10 / 1 View 18124
ziko (3/5) / 0 View 18124
Pierluigi Tomaselli (3/5) cd / 1 View  
Ken Berry (3/5) SHN / 1 View 18124
Sloth1976 (3/0) / 0 View 18124
Tom Waeltz (3/0) CD / 1 View 18124
Notes: Studio?
CARL (3/3.7) / 0 View 18124
Mer (3/0) / 0 View 18124
Notes: GD00024
Scott Herring (3/0) SHN / 1 View 18124 SBD
Notes: DVD #116
Resin421 (3/0) / 0 View 18124 2 songs most likely from studio (see notes)
Vilas King (3/0) / 0 View  
Vilas King (3/0) / 0 View  
jim newcomb (3/5) / 0 View 18124
Sin City Hillbilly (3/0) / 0 View  
(~);-) (3/0) / 0 View  
bear bridges (3/4.8) shn / 1 View  
kevin (3/0) / 0 View 18124
rickc (3/0) / 0 View 18124
Notes: 178
John-Everett (3/0) / 0 View 18124
Steve Wilson (3/5) SHN / 1 View  
Notes: 19
PrideofCucamonga (3/0) SHN / 1 View 18124
blah (3/0) / 0 View 18124
Pat (3/0) / 0 View  
Notes: Smokestack Lightning > King Bee *on 7-4-89
Scott Bernstein (3/0) CDR / 1 View 18124 2 songs most likely from studio (see notes)
Notes: (35)
gary huebner (3/0) shn / 1 View  
Mike Baxter (3/0) CDR / 1 A A- View  
Martin Novak (3/0) / 0 A View   FM
gary kriksciun (3/0) SHN / 1 View  
TLEO (3/0) shnf / 0 View   sbd
Dave Wenzel (2/5) / 1 A- View 18124 SBD
Notes: Smokestack>King Bee