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Grateful Dead 08/21/83
Frost Amphitheatre, Palo Alto, CA
Set I
Cassidy-> Dire Wolf, Me & My Uncle-> Big River, Althea, Little Red Rooster, Big Railroad Blues, Let It Grow
Set II
Samson & Delilah-> China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Playin' In The Band-> Drums-> The Wheel-> Throwing Stones-> Not Fade Away-> It's All Over Now Baby Blue, E: Johnny B. Goode


Last Changed By System
(10920) View Source    View Archive
FOB Senn 441>Sony TC-D5>DAT>CD; via Pete; Seeded to etree by Jim Bennett
(23853) View Source    View Archive
Recording Info: (Immediate Left Of SBD) Nakamichi 300/CP4 -> Cassette Master (Sony D5) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi Deck/Azimuth Aligned) -> Mytek Digital 8X96ADC -> Nuendo (24bit/44.1k) Process Info:Processed through Nuendo using Waves (slight eq and rendered down to a 16 bit wave file). Recorded and Transfered BY Bill Reutelhuber Tracked and SHN'd By Charlie Miller
(95672) View Source    View Archive
flac16; Recording Info:(FOB) Sony ECM-220T -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-D5M/Fuji Metal Tape/Dolby B); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1/Dolby B) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) -> Samplitude Professional v10.1 -> FLAC/16; Recorded By Michael Kirschner; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
(95687) View Source    View Archive
flac24; Recording Info:(FOB) Sony ECM-220T -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-D5M/Fuji Metal Tape/Dolby B); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1/Dolby B) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) -> Samplitude Professional v10.1 -> FLAC/24; Recorded By Michael Kirschner; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
(111536) View Source    View Archive
flac16; Source: 2 Sennheiser 421 microphones (25 feet from stage-center) > Sony TC-D5M - analog master cassettes; Transfer: Sony TC-D5M (original record deck) > Pre Sonus Inspire GT > Sound Forge > .wav files > Trader's Little Helper > flac files
(142898) View Source    View Archive
flac16/44.1khz Source: MAC Beyer M201's X-Y 7'up > Sony TCD5M no dolby TDK MA-R90 x 2 Location: ~125 feet from stage, DFC Transfer: Nakamichi CR-5A (24/96) > Tascam DR680|SD > i7Windows7 Audacity > cdwav editor > TLH flac level 8 Mastered: Executive Crew Kyle Holbrook Chris Kidwell Transferred: Kyle Holbrook
(142899) View Source    View Archive
flac24/48khz Source: MAC Beyer M201's X-Y 7'up > Sony TCD5M no dolby TDK MA-R90 x 2 Location: ~125 feet from stage, DFC Transfer: Nakamichi CR-5A (24/96) > Tascam DR680|SD > i7Windows7 Audacity > cdwav editor > TLH flac level 8 Mastered: Executive Crew Kyle Holbrook Chris Kidwell Transferred: Kyle Holbrook
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Dave Wenzel (2/5) / 2 A- View   Aud:fob[Nak300s>D5]CM>WAV>CD>shn>CD
Lost Sailor (2/0) Flac 16 / 0 View 95672 flac16; Recording Info:(FOB) Sony ECM-220T -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-D5M/Fuji Metal...
Lost Sailor (2/0) Flac 24/96 / 0 View 95687 flac24; Recording Info:(FOB) Sony ECM-220T -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-D5M/Fuji Metal...
Lost Sailor (2/0) Flac 16 / 0 View 111536 flac16; Source: 2 Sennheiser 421 microphones (25 feet from stage-center) > Sony TC-D5M -...
Lost Sailor (2/0) Shn / 0 View 10920 FOB Senn 441>Sony TC-D5>DAT>CD; via Pete; Seeded to etree by Jim Bennett
Lost Sailor (2/0) Shn / 0 View 23853 Recording Info: (Immediate Left Of SBD) Nakamichi 300/CP4 -> Cassette Master (Sony D5) Transfer...
Lost Sailor (2/0) Flac 24/48 / 0 View 142899 flac24/48khz Source: MAC Beyer M201's X-Y 7'up > Sony TCD5M no dolby TDK MA-R90 x 2...
Lost Sailor (2/0) Flac 16/44,1 / 0 View 142898 flac16/44.1khz Source: MAC Beyer M201's X-Y 7'up > Sony TCD5M no dolby TDK MA-R90 x 2...
Bill Tetzeli (2/5) SHN / 2 View 10920 FOB Senn 441>Sony TC-D5>DAT>CDR>EAC>SHN
Bill Tetzeli (2/5) FLAC / 2 View 95672 Recording Info:(FOB) Sony ECM-220T -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-D5M/Fuji Metal Tape/Dolby B);...
Tom Langdon (2/5) cd / 2 View 95672
Joe Breault (2/0) cdr / 2 View  
Mike McCarthy (2/5) cdr / 2 View   FOB/Senn 441>Sony TC-D5>DAT>CD
Notes: Rob Eaton recording
Michael McMullan (2/5) CDR/FLAC / 2 A- View 95672 Aud
Scott (2/0) CDR(DAO) / 2 View 23853
William Ferdinandsen (2/5) CDR / 2 View  
Notes: 8/20/83
chrislaughlin (2/5) / 2 View 10920 FOB AUD
David (2/0) SHN / 2 View   (Immediate Left Of SBD) Nakamichi 300/CP4 -> Cassette Master (Sony D5)
Notes: Recording Info: (Immediate Left Of SBD) Nakamichi 300/CP4 -> Cassette Master (Sony D5) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi Deck/Azimuth Aligned) -> Mytek Digital 8X96ADC -> Nuendo (24bit/44.1k) Process Info: Processed through Nuendo using Waves (slight eq and rendered down to a 16 bit wave file).
Patrick (2/0) cdr / 2 View  
Scott Garrison (2/5) cdr / 2 View   Aud>shn
Michael Goff (2/5) cd / 2 View 10920
rw (2/5) cdr / 2 View   FOB/AUD
Notes: FOB/AUD
al zeffer (2/0) Dat / 1 View   Aud Cass > Dat
pedritonaz (2/0) CDR / 2 A- B+ View 10920 see shn
Gary Field (1/5) 95687 / 5 View 95687 AUD
Notes: flac24; Recording Info:(FOB) Sony ECM-220T -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-D5M/Fuji Metal Tape/Dolby B); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1/Dolby B) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) -> Samplitude Professional v10.1 -> FLAC/24; Recorded By Michael Kirschner
Gary Field (1/5) SHN / 2 View 23853 AUD
Notes: Recording Info: (Immediate Left Of SBD) Nakamichi 300/CP4 -> Cassette Master (Sony D5) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi Deck/Azimuth Aligned) -> Mytek Digital 8X96ADC -> Nuendo (24bit/44.1k) Process Info: Processed through Nuendo using Waves (slight eq and rendered down to a 16 bit wave file)
Gary Field (1/5) SHN / 2 View 10920 AUD
Notes: Source: FOB Senn 441>Sony TC-D5>DAT>CDR>EAC>SHN
Gary Field (1/5) 95672 / 2 View 95672 AUD
Notes: Recording Info:(FOB) Sony ECM-220T -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-D5M/Fuji Metal Tape/Dolby B); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1/Dolby B) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) -> Samplitude Professional v10.1 -> FLAC/16; Recorded By Michael Kirschner [081111.1]
Gary Field (1/5) 111536 / 2 View 111536 AUD
Notes: Source: 2 Sennheiser 421 microphones (25 feet from stage-center) > Sony TC-D5M - analog master cassettes; Transfer: Sony TC-D5M (original record deck) > Pre Sonus Inspire GT > Sound Forge > .wav files > Trader's Little Helper > flac files [110112.2]
Gary Field (1/5) 142899 / 0 View 142899
Notes: flac24 Source: MAC Beyer M201's X-Y 7'up > Sony TCD5M no dolby TDK MA-R90 x 2 Location: ~125 feet from stage, DFC Transfer: Nakamichi CR-5A (24/96) > Tascam DR680|SD > i7Windows7 Audacity > cdwav editor > TLH flac level 8 Mastered: Executive Crew Kyle Holbrook Chris Kidwell