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String Cheese Incident 07/30/01
Navy Pier, San Diego, CA
Set I
Remington Ride, Best Feeling > Jam > Rhum 'n' Zouc, Cottonmouth, Parker's Blues, Little Hands > Jam > Close Your Eyes*
Set II
Way Back Home, Born on the Wrong Planet > Jam > Inspiration, Molly and Tenbrooks, Bend Down Low > Blue Bossa, On the Road
Encore: Boogie on Reggae Woman
* with Texas teases.
Setlist courtesy of Friends of Cheese.
Last Changed By Thom Lippert
(6459) View Source    View Archive
Neumann AK40's(ortf, FOB DEAD center 25'from stage) > LC-3ka Active Cables > KM100 Bodies > Apogee AD-1000 > DAT; Transfer/Encoding: DAT(m) > s/pdif coax > Egosys Waveterminal 2496 > PC/Soundforge 4.5 > CDWAVE > MKW(.shn)
(15832) View Source   
[Dankseed Approved] Neumann AK40's(FOB, ortf) > LC-3ka Active Cables > KM100 Bodies > Apogee AD-1000 > DAT @44.1K; Transfer: DAT(m) > S/PDIF coax > Egosys Waveterminal 2496 > PC/Soundforge 4.5 > CD Wave > mkwACT(.shn) > joined w/ shntool > Soundforge 5.0 (crossfaded discs 2&3 together) > CD Wave > mkwACT > .shn
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Jim Brown (1/0) CD-R / 3 A View  
Josh (1/5) CD-R / 3 A View  
Daniel Shay (1/5) CD-R / 3 View 6459 (FOB) Neumann AK40's(ortf) > KM100 Bodies > Apogee AD-1000 > DAT
Phalls420 (1/5) SHN / 2 A View   FOB Neumann AK40's(ortf)>LC-3ka Active Cables>KM100 Bodies>Apogee AD-1000>Dat ;...
Notes: FOB
Scott Ratzmann (1/3) shn / 3 View 6459 FOB DEAD center 25'from stage Neumann AK40's(ortf)>LC-3ka Active Cables>KM100...
Rob (1/0) cd / 3 View  
Jason Maye (1/0) CDR / 3 A A View  
jbgdtrfb (1/5) CDR / 3 View  
Michael Wichman (1/0) / 3 View  
Matthew (1/0) shn / 3 A View  
Notes: fob
Jordan Jarrell (1/0) cdr / 3 A+ View  
NA (1/0) CDR / 3 A A View   FOB DEAD center 25'from stage Neumann AK40's(ortf)>LC-3ka Active Cables>KM100...
Dan Carr (1/5) shn / 2 View 6459 FOB DEAD center 25'from stage Neumann AK40's(ortf)>LC-3ka Active Cables>KM100...
Notes: Fob dfc 25'from stage
Daniel Shay - SHN (1/5) SHN / 2 SHN View 6459 (FOB) Neumann AK40's(ortf) > KM100 Bodies > Apogee AD-1000 > DAT
PJ Dunn (1/0) CDR / 3 A View 6459 Neumann AK40's(ortf)>LC-3ka Active Cables>KM100 Bodies>Apogee AD-1000>Dat
Mcyats007 (1/0) CDR / 3 View  
Ian Wright (1/5) CDR / 3 View   AUD
HAK (0/4.9) CDR / 3 A View   AUD
Kathy (0/5) SHN / 2 A View   unknown
Dave Morton (0/0) shn / 2 View  
brian cole (0/0) CDR/shn / 3 A+ A+ View   Neumann AK40fob
Notes: Setlist (63)
BluBossa (0/5) CDR / 3 A A View   (FOB): Neumann KM140> Lunatec V2 > AD1000 > DAT > CDR
Brian (0/0) / 3 View  
Bill Hickman (0/5) SHN / 2 View  
dirk 0. (0/0) CD-R / 3 A View   FOB NEUMANN KM 140>V2>AD 1000
MJ (0/0) SHN / 2 View   FOB DEAD center 25'from stage Neumann AK40's(ortf)>LC-3ka Activ
Notes: String Cheese Incident Monday July 30th 2001 - Navy Pier, San Diego, CA Source: FOB DEAD center 25'from stage Neumann AK40's(ortf)>LC-3ka Active Cables>KM100 Bodies>Apogee AD-1000>Dat Recorded by: Rak Transfer/Encoding: dat(m)> s/pdif coax> Egosys Waveterminal 2496> PC/Soundforge 4.5> CDWAVE> MKW(.shn) by Rak CD 1 Set 1 ======================== 1) Remington Ride 2) Best Feeling> 3) Rhum 'n' Zouc CD 2 End Set I ================== 1) Cottonmouth 2) Parker's Blues 3) Little Hands>Jam> 4) Close Your Eyes Set II =============== 5) Way Back Home CD 3 End Set II ================= 1) Born on the Wrong Planet>Jam> 2) Inspiration 3) Molly and Tenbrooks 4) Bend Down Low>Jam> 5) Blue Bossa 6) On the Road 7) Encore: Boogie on Reggae Woman
Jennifer Gass (0/0) CDR / 3 View  
Dave Harryman (0/5) SHN / 2 A+ A View  
Dave Harryman (0/5) CDR / 3 A A View  
Holt Holthouser (0/0) CDR / 3 View   FOB DEAD center 25'from stage Neumann AK40's(ortf)>LC-3ka Active Cables>KM100 Bodies>Apogee...