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DVD 674; lineage: LB-8588. version 'b"; Most likely derived from LB-1429. Received in trade; FLAC files on data DVD. No info file or lineage provided. Had levels raised, clipping badly (dff reports included), so I took the liberty to deamplify the whole thing -1.35 dB. Tried also to get the sound back to its natural equalization through the usual tools on Adobe Audition. What I did was slightly reduce midrange and high ends, to make it less harsh. Frequent small gaps at end of last track of each disc have been carefully patched with nearby wave samples of similar sequence., d1t01 @ [00:00.000-055] silence / fades in, d1t07 @ [00:18.250-24.945] levels drop down momentarily, recovering gradually after a second, d1t10 @ [05:59.647] fades out / drop, d2t01 @ [00:00.000-015] drop / fades in, d2t05 @ [01:08.100] analog pop, d2t05 @ [01:15.792-30.193][01:37.745-41.710][01:45.055-46.210] mic noise rumblings, d2t05 @ [01:45.055] analog pop, d2t06 @ [05:19.752] fades out / silence, fixed flaws:, d1t01 @ [00:50.722] discontinuity pop removed, d1t04 @ [00:34.685-690] digipop removed, d1t06 @ [06:13.336-360] discontinuity pop removed, d1t10 @ [05:51.608-625][05:52.687-728][05:53.608-635][05:54.782-805][05:55.662-690][05:56.835-855][05:57.715-736][05:58.595-622] small gaps patched, d2t02 @ [00:00.015] digipop removed, d2t03 @ [00:00.015] microgap patched, d2t04 @ [00:00.015] digipop removed, d2t05 @ [01:45.915-970] digipop caused by clip limit removed, d2t06 @ [05:06.304][05:06.924-926] left channel digipops removed, d2t06 @ [05:10.224-234][05:11.211-220][05:12.064-073][05:12.917-930][05:14.197-206][05:15.051-060][05:15.904-917][05:17.184-192][05:18.038-047][05:18.891-904][05:19.971-972] small gaps patched, Taper: unknown, Lineage: same recording as LB-1429 > ? > FLAC (data DVD) > wav (flac v1.2.1) > wav (adobe audition 1.0) > flac (flac v1.2.1; encoded by FLAC v1.1.4a w/FLAC Frontend v1.7.1 - align on sb option - level 8 - verify on); this is similar in spectral view to LB-1429; that one has higher levels that clip where this does not |