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LB-5436, (50min+61min), Southside Butcher fix; CDR trade discs, received in trade as, Can't Buy a Thrill, Southside Butcher productions., Lineage: Trade CDRs > EAC > Audacity for various glitch fixes; almost all track markers reset, > flac (level 8, align on sector boundaries) > torrent, Does not match LB-2173; I do not have that LB entry and so cannot determine whether this, recording or the alternate recording discussed below is the same as the LB-2173 recording., The largest problem with this recording is on D1T1 (Stuck Inside of Mobile), which is clipped by, 8 or 10 seconds, comes in on the, up and down the block, line of Stuck Inside of Mobile., I have a second copy of this show (D1/7T-38:59 + D2/10T-63:43). That second version also, does not match LB-2173 by disc splits or times, but does have the beginning of Stuck Inside of, Mobile. The sound on that second recording is inferior to this recording (though it improves on, the acoustic set at the beginning of D2). That second recording is different than this one, as it, does not have the "Roger McGuinn" fingerprint on KOHD that this recording has. I have tried to, patch the beginning of Stuck Inside of Mobile from that second recording into this recording. I, am torrenting TWO versions of D1T1, one clipped as received and one, patched., Obviously, burn the show with only one of those versions of Stuck Inside, as you like., some clipping on crowd nearby taper between songs, some bass hum/hiss in some locations, Fingerprint: At 0:44.5 of KOHD a man in left channel distinctly says "Roger McGuinn" while, two other voices nearby are making same observation not as loudly., Well above average sound for a US late 89; does not match LB-2173., Roger McGuinn on guitar for encores., Interesting show -- the songs tend to run together, one right into the next (which makes setting, the track markers a challenge!). This early Oh Mercy! show features back to back Everything is, Broken, an excellent What Good Am I?, and a sublime Most of the Time, maybe the best.; bittorrent download 10/07; has tv band; same recording as LB-2173 based on same clappng on beginning and end of d2t2; similar sound quality with this having higher levels and similar spectral view except this has the tv band; that one has the full d1t1; (did not listen to all of this)
light analog static d1t1a 2:21, d1t2 2:06 plus more occassionally