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Johnny Cash 09/??/71
DR TV, Copenhagen, Denmark
Set I
Boy Named Sue
Sunday Morning Coming Down
I Walk the Line
Blue Suede Shoes*
Bobby McGee
Things Happen
Bed of Roses^
Flowers on the Wall^
Folsom Prison Blues
Darling Companion#
If I Were a Carpenter#
Help Me Make It Through The Night#
Man in Black
Mother Maybelle Carter Family Jam
Dear Mama%
No Need to Worry ^%
Rock of Ages
Two By Two
Set II
*Carl Perkins
^Statler Brothers
# with June Carter Cash
% Carter Sisters
Last Changed By Scott
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Scott (5/3.7) DVD / 1 View  
tomtaper4 (5/3.5) DVD / 1 A A View   PRO SHOT
Notes: DVD
Brian (5/5) DVD Video / 1 View  
Phil Shrout (5/4.1) DVD / 1 A A View  
Notes: Full menus and chapters.
Wiserphil (5/5) / 1 A+ View  
Notes: DVD
BEASTAFA (5/4.8) DVD+R / 1 A View   DVD+R
rain_king (5/4.3) DVD / 1 View  
Notes: also features footage from denmark 1994
Connieconcert (5/3.3) CDR / 1 View  
casedogg (5/5) CDR / 1 View  
Daryl (5/0) CDR / 1 View  
johntatro dvd (4/0) dvd / 1 a View   pro
Jeremy Lykins (4/0) DVD / 1 View  
Savoir Faire (4/5) DVD / 1 A A- View   ProShot > TV > VHS > DVD
Notes: This is now available as a commercial DVD called Live in Denmark, 1971.
Yojimbo_ (4/0) / 0 View  
Jason (4/0) dvd / 1 View  
Dignesheino (4/0) DVD / 0 View  
Gaston Petrollini (3/5) cd-r / 1 View   SBD
Stella van Ede (3/5) DVD / 1 A View  
Notes: Danish Television: 1. A Boy Named Sue 2. Sunday Morning Coming Down 3. Because You're Mine 4. Blue Suede Shoes(Carl Perkins) 5. Matchbox(Carl Perkins) 6. Me & Bobby McGee 7. Guess Things Happen That Way 8. Bed Of Roses(Statler Brothers) 9. Flowers on The Wall(Statler Brothers) 10. Folsom Prison Blues 11. Darling Companion(W/June Carter) 12. If I Were A Carpenter/Help Me Make It Throuh The Night(W/June Carter) 13. Man In Black 14. Instrumental(Carter Family) 15. Dear Mama(W/The Carter Sisters) 16. No Need To Worry(W/The Carter Family & The Statler Brothers) 17. Rock Of Ages(W/The Carter Family & The Statler Brothers) 18. Children Go Where I Send Thee(W/The Carter Family & The Statler Brothers) Interview-- Danish Television (w/ subtitles in danish) & Live @ Midtfyns Festival 1994 Interview - Part 1, Delia's Gone Interview - Part 2,The Beast In Me Interview - Part 3, Thirteen Interview - Part 4, Tennessee Stud Interview - Part 5,Big River Interview - Part 6, Get Rhythm
Roxy (3/0) cd-r / 1 A View  
scott colehour (3/5) / 1 View  
eburgian (2/0) CDR / 1 View  
Notes: I have it listed as Swedish TV
Lew (2/5) dvd / 1 View   Live on Danish Television
Dennis Blom (2/5) DVD / 0 View  
Brian Bothen (2/5) DVD / 1 View  
Paul (2/5) CDR / 1 View  
Michael (2/5) DVD PAL / 1 A A View   Danish TV with performances & interview segments
Notes: Audio 9, Video 9; menu and chapters
jeeb (2/0) cdr / 1 View  
Brandon Franklin (2/4.9) CD-R / 1 View  
B Max (2/5) audio / 1 View  
Notes: 1. Boy Named Sue 2. Sunday Morning Coming Down 3. Johnny Speaks -> I Walk the Line 4. Blue Suede Shoes* 5. Matchbox* 6. Bobby McGee 7. Things Happen 8. Bed of Roses^ 9. Flowers on the Wall^ 10. Fulsom Prison Blues 11. Darling Companion# 12. If I Were a Carpenter# 13. Help Me Make It Through The Night# 14. Man in Black 15. Mother Maybelle Carter Family Jam 16. Dear Mama% 17. No Need to Worry ^% 18. Rock of Ages 19. Two By Two *Carl Perkins ^Statler Brothers # With June Carter Cash % Carter Sisters
Aaron (2/5) CD-R / 1 A- B+ View