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Kenny Rogers 04/21/99
Sony Studios, New York, NY
Set I
Set II
Last Changed By Martin
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buc2220 (5/5) CDR / 1 A View   TV
PeaceTrader (5/0) CDR / 1 View  
Martin (5/0) CDR / 1 View  
Notes: Kenny Rogers Sony Studios, New York, NY 4-21-99 "A&E Live By Request" 1. Islands In the Stream 2. Daytime Friends 3. She Believes In Me 4. Ruby 5. Love Will Turn You Around 6. The Greatest 7. Ain't No Sunshine 8. Love or Something Like It 9. Through the Years 10. Lucille 11. Don't Fall In Love With A Dreamer (w/ Linda Davis) 12. Coward of the County 13. Lady 14. Crazy 15. The Gambler 16. We've Got Tonight (w/ Linda Davis) 17. You Decorated My Life 18. Slow Dance More 19. Empty 4 Seconds 20. Through the Years (Kenny Rogers) 21. Ain't Made of Stone (Randy Travis) 22. Last Night of the World (Bruce Coburn) 23. Oh, The Sweet Power (Dolly Parton)
C Montana (1/4) DVDR / 1 A View