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The Youngbloods 01/??/72
Pepperland, San Rafael, CA
Set I
Set II
Last Changed By Dene Wright
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User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
RamblinRose (5/5) CD-R / 2 View   SBD
keith smith (3/5) cdr / 2 A- View   SBD.
Notes: Good folk-rock. Similar to Canned Heat. Couple of real good songs, 'Darkness, Darkness' & 'High On A Ridge Top'. Disc 2 has a guest harp player with one of the best nicknames around - Earthquake Anderson - gotta love that name.
Andy Wicksted (2/5) Cdr / 2 A View   Sndbd
Notes: San Raphael
Dene Wright (1/5) CD / 2 View   FM
Notes: Compilation. 22-23 or 29-30 January 1972.
kimbro (0/0) / 2 A View   SBD
Matt Gardner (0/0) CDR / 1 View   FM
Notes: Compilation. 22-23 or 29-30 January 1972