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Bob Dylan ??/??/62
Elusive singles, Various, Various
Set I
Mixed up confusion :
T1 - mono single
T1 - stereo (from re-issued Biograph)
T1 - remixed mono from acetate
T2 - from Masterpieces
T2 - mono speed corrected Biograph
T2 - remix 1 from acetate
T2 - remix 2 from acetate
T2 - remix 3 from acetate
T3 - from acetate
T4 - from acetate

If you gotta go, go now :
C1 - original single with overdubs
C1 - original mix from acetate
C2 - mono from acetate
C2 - stereo from 1965 revisited

Can you please crawl out your window :
T1 - from 1965 revisited
T2 - mistakenly issued as Pos 4th St
T3 - from Dimestore medicine
T4 - from 1965 revisited
T4 - stereo from acetate
Set II
Like a rolling stone :
01 H61 interactive cd
02 - H61 interactive cd
03 - stereo warmup from 1965 revisited
R1 - H61 interactive cd
R2 - H61 interactive cd
R6 - H61 interactive cd
R6b - H61 interactive cd
R8 - H61 interactive cd
R10 - H61 interactive cd
R10b - H61 interactive cd
Extended ending from H61 Revisited again
Mono mix from acetate
Original mono release
Sundazed mono release
Stereo DCC release
Stereo SACD release
Vocal removed from original stereo issue
Compilation of different versions
Last Changed By Eddy
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Eddy (1/3.9) 2cdr / 0 A View   Sbd
nuttinbutbootz (0/5) CDR / 2 View