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Don Henley 02/21/02
Unknown, Atlanta, GA
Set I
End of the Innocence, Lilah, The Last Resort, Bein Green, The Best of My Love, The Sad Cafe, Desperado, The Last Worthless Evening, The Boys of Summer, Sit Down Your Rocking the Boat
Set II
You're Not Drinking Enough, Well Well Well, I forget you every day, Hotel California, witchy woman, Life in the fast lane, The Heart of the Matter,
One of these Nights, Sunset Grill, Dirty Laundry, All She Wants To DO is Dance, Already Gone, Lyin Eyes, I will not go Quietly
Last Changed By Mike
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Mike (5/5) CDR / 2 A- View  
Private Stock (2/5) / 2 View  
Notes: The stream of AUD recordings continues. As things go this one is better than average. Nice set, nice show.
John (1/0) CDR / 0 View