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Sly & Robbie 08/18/03
Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Set I
Opening Music
Party In Session
What is Life
I Love King Selassie
Too Short Temper
World is Africa
Shine Eye Gal (Cut)
Plastic Smile
General Penitentiary
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Set II
featuring Michael Rose
Last Changed By chnactsnflwr
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chnactsnflwr (5/5) / 2 View   Sony MD R55 + Sony ECM 717 mic>>SoundForge8.0>>WAV>FLAC
Notes: Sony MD R55 + Sony ECM 717 mic>>SoundForge8.0>>WAV>FLAC
chnactsnflwr (5/5) / 2 View   Sony MD R55 + Sony ECM 717 mic>>SoundForge8.0>>WAV>FLAC
Notes: Sony MD R55 + Sony ECM 717 mic>>SoundForge8.0>>WAV>FLAC