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Johnny Cash 07/??/05
Cash: The Legend - Four Part Radio Special, Unknown, Unknown
Set I
"Ring of Fire" -- Johnny Cash: the American Dream 59:00
Set II
"How Great Thou Art" -- Johnny Cash's spiritual quest 59:00
"The Man in Black" -- Johnny Cash's politics and influence 59:00
"The World Needs a Melody" -- Johnny Cash the storyteller 59:00
Four part radio special that covers the life and music of "The Man in Black." The series helps celebrate the late musical icon leading up to what would have been his 74th birthday. Johnny Cash was born Feb. 26, 1932 and died September 12, 2003.
Last Changed By Henry
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Henry (3/4.5) CDR / 4 A A+ View  
Dr. Zen (1/5) cdr / 4 A+ A+ View   Broadcast