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Johnny Cash 04/17/82
Saturday Night Live, New York, NY
Set I
The Man In Black
I Walk The Line, Folsom Prison Blues, Ring Of Fire
Sunday Morning Coming Down > Closing
Set II
Last Changed By Shawnee
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Jamie (5/5) DVD / 1 A View   PRO
Notes: NTSC - same disc as Elton John
rain_king (5/4.3) DVD / 1 View  
Dan McDonald (5/5) / 1 A View   Pro Shot w/ Menus with Elton John
Roxy (3/0) dvd-r / 1 A View  
Notes: Pro Shot From TV
Private Stock (2/5) DVD / 1 View  
Notes: The Man In Black was cool. Here's proof of that.
arthur (1/4.9) dvd / 1 View   tv broadcast > Canopus ADVC-100 > firewire > DV file (NTSC, 720x480) > iMovie HD >...
Notes: w/ johnny cash 03/17/1994