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James Gang w/Tommy Bolin compilation 05/??/74
Criteria Recording Studios "Miami" outtakes, Miami, FL
Set I
Alexis 1
Alexis 2
From Another Time
Ride The Wind
Do it
Red skies
Summer breezes
Spanish lover
Head above the water
Wildfire #2 ("lower pitch")
Sleepwalker #2 ("duller mix")
Set II
Outtakes I got from Miami, mostly instrumentals but give a nice look into the overall structures of the songs.
Last Changed By hugh
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User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Roy Martin\'s Music Collection (5/5) FLAC / 0 View   studio outtakes (D019)
Notes: Info file says, "source: studio outtakes length: 36min. quality: B-"
hugh (3/5) cd / 1 B + View  
purps69 (2/0) FLAC / 1 A View   Unknown gen cd-r -> rip -> FLAC
Notes: Sounds more like the tapes before the vocals went on as overdubbing has been done...
Brian C (1/4.7) FLAC / 1 A B+ View   Studio > Unknown gen cd-r -> rip -> FLAC
Notes: w/ab 7/18/89
Shawn (1/0) CD / 1 View  
fossilcat (1/5) cdr / 1 B+ View  
fossilcat (1/5) CDR / 1 A View  
Notes: First 5 tracks: Alexis #1 Alexis #2 Mystery From Another Time Ride The Wind from: Bang Out-Takes Cleveland Recording Studios Sept 1973
Tom Bashara/Eric Linstrom (1/5) FLAC / 1 View   Studio Recording > Unknown gen cd-r -> rip -> FLAC
Notes: Studio Recording > Unknown gen cd-r -> rip -> FLAC