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Bob Dylan 03/??/78
1978 DVD Compilation 3, Various, Various
Set I
NYC 29 Sep (from Mel's DVD)
Cleveland 20 Oct (from VCD)
Nashville 2 Dec (from video)
Nashville Changing Of The Guard complete
Toronto 12 Oct (from video, remastered)
Set II
(1) NYC 29 September (19:00) A long series of black and white film clips taken from various angles, all more or less close, steady and pleasing to the eye. Beneath them, though, the dubbed unsynced good quality soundtrack is similarly chopped up, so, after an initial tantalising three continuous minutes of Love In Vain come snippets of around a dozen more songs, themselves often cut, cut, cut. The idea, I presume, is to give a condensed taster of what the whole gig was like. But, given that the sound is not synced to the film anyway, I find this a very frustrating way of presenting such potentially rewarding material. It’s like working through a book by reading three random lines (and no more) from each page. The archive footage is definitely worth seeing. With four complete and judiciously chosen tracks dubbed under it, its accompanying audio would be well worth hearing too. Like this, though, it less than satisfies.

(2) Cleveland 20 October (20:00) Choppy, blurry, pro-shot video over sad audio. Once again, the constant cutting from song to song (18 in 20 minutes) plus indifferent sound render this one a no-no. Comments made about the NYC presentation-style apply here too. Another nice Baby Blue, though, and see D, during Thin Man, have fun with flowers.

(3) Nashville 2 December (12:00) Watchable, listenable pro-shot footage of T Man (incomplete and intercut with exterior hippie/festival-type clips), all of a blistering Masters Of War then four minutes (then cut) of Changing Of The Guards. Definitely worth seeing - though if you want to see it but don’t fancy this disc, note that the same film is included as bonus on the excellent

(4) As Previous (6:20) Changing Of The Guards again, this time complete and uncut. Video slightly better (less bleached), sound okay. D’s performance of this long, demanding song is energetic, mesmeric, word-perfect. Ah, but he was so much older then...

(5) Toronto 12 October (25:30) Close, colourful audience film, some shakes but lots of enjoyable passages too. Sound starts fair but after twelve minutes (during Maggie’s) takes a dive and remains poor thereafter. Stand-out here is another complete (4:30) hands-free Baby Blue. The seven minute LARS we see is also uncut - its post-MF duff audio, though, offends the ears.
Last Changed By Lugarman
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Lugarman (5/3) DVD / 1 B B View  
Enrico (4/5) DVD / 1 B View