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Bob Dylan ??/??/01
Passion & Larceny - Love and Theft Live, Various, Various
Set I
Intro - Excerpts from the 2001-07-21 Roma Interview plus the concert introduction from 2003-07-16.

Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum - 2002-05-10 Birmingham, England (LB0843) plus a splice of the first few seconds from 2002-05-04 Brighton, UK (LB0839), both taken from the CC releases.

Mississippi - 2001-10-09 Central Point/Medford, OR (LB0482).

Summer Days - 2001-10-05 Spokane, WA (LB2277), taken from the CC release.

Bye And Bye - 2005-04-30, New York, NY (LB2798).

Lonesome Day Blues - 2002-05-09 Manchester, England (LB0068), taken from the CC release.

Floater (Too Much To Ask) - 2003-11-24 London, England (LB1960), taken from the CC release.

High Water (For Charley Patton) - 2005-11-17 Glasgow, Scotland (filler on LB3807), taken from the filler track on the CC release of 2005-11-16.

Moonlight - 2001-10-06 Seattle, WA (filler on LB2277), taken from the filler track on the CC release of 2001-10-05.

Honest With Me - 2005-11-18 Birmingham, England (LB3810), taken from the CC release.

Po’ Boy - 2001-11-06 Grand Rapids, MI (filler on LB1265), taken from the filler track on the “In The Garden 2001” release.

Cry A While - 2005-11-16 Manchester, England (LB3807), taken from the CC release.

Sugar Baby - 2002-02-09 Atlanta, GA (LB1330), taken from the “All Ages Catch Dylan, Live In Atlanta 2002” release.

Album Reviews - Excerpts from the 2001-07-21 Roma Interview.

Things Have Changed - 2000-09-22 Sheffield, England (LB3598), taken from the CC release.

Outro - Excerpt from the 2001-07-21 Roma Interview.
Set II
Last Changed By Dan Anderson
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