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Bob Dylan ??/??/65
The London Bridges Project, Various, England
Set I
**Sheffield - The Oval at City Hall - April 30, 1965**
Love Minus Zero/No Limit (soundcheck)
The Times They Are A-Changin'
To Ramona
Love Minus Zero/No Limit (audio)
She Belongs To Me

**Liverpool - Odeon - May 1, 1965**
The Times They Are A-Changin'
It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
Mr Tambourine Man
She Belongs To Me
All I Really Want To Do
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue

**Leicester - DeMontfort Hall - May 2, 1965**
The Times They Are A-Changin'
To Ramona
Gates Of Eden
If You Gotta Go, Go Now
It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
Talkin' World War III Blues
The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue

**Birmingham - Town Hall - May 5, 1965**
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right

**Newcastle - City Hall - May 6, 1965**
The Times They Are A-Changin'
To Ramona (audio)
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (audio)
It Ain't Me, Babe

Set II
**Manchester - Free Trade Hall - May 7, 1965**
Outlaw Blues (soundcheck)
Composited Clips/Fragments:
Love Minus Zero/No Limit
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
It Ain't Me, Babe

**London - Royal Albert Hall - May 9, 1965**
The Times They Are A-Changin'
It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
Talkin' World War III Blues
She Belongs To Me

**London - Royal Albert Hall - May 10, 1965**
Gates Of Eden
It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
Love Minus Zero/No Limit
It Ain't Me, Babe (audio)
The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (audio)
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (audio)

**Miscellaneous Royal Albert Hall (as shown in DLB)**
DLB Intro: She Belongs To Me (5/9)
All I Really Want To Do (5/9 or 5/10)
DLB Medley: The Times They Are A-Changin' (5/9)
Talkin' World War III Blues (5/9)
It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (5/10)
Gates Of Eden (5/10)
Love Minus Zero/No Limit (5/10)

**Hotel Room - London Savoy Hotel**
Wild Mountain Thyme / Mama's Pajamas
Lost Highway
I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry
Sweetheart Remember Me
Let Me Die In My Footsteps

**Newcastle Waiting (at Newcastle City Hall)**
Piano song No. 1 (w/vocal)
Piano song No. 2 (no vocal)
It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry

**Savoy Party**
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Love Minus Zero/No Limit

**RAH Green Room / Misc. Backstage**
Guitar riffs I + II (Newcastle/Manchester)
Piano riffs
Piano (w/vocal) No. 1
Piano (w/vocal) No. 2
Piano riff: That's All Right Mama (?)
I'll Keep It With Mine

**Promo Film Clips**
Subterranean Homesick Blues
Subterranean - alternate #1
Subterranean - alternate #2

**D.A. Pennebaker's Comments for the Sundance Channel**
LONDON BRIDGES ... So What Have We Here?

The London Bridges project is an attempt to identify and organize the circulating Bob Dylan musical performances filmed during his tour of England in the spring of 1965. The music is compiled for access to individual song performances and/or the viewing of groups of songs (or song fragments) associated with a specific date/location. Included are songs from each concert venue as well as impromptu performances occurring in less-formal off-stage settings. Many of these musical performances are part of the officially-released films "Dont Look Back" and "Bob Dylan 65 Revisited" or are included in a related set of DVD bonus audio tracks or on a set of Retro Rock Show radio program discs. An unofficial DVD collection of outtake material from the filming and subsequent editing, "Dont Look Back: Outtakes", is also in circulation. Each of these sources provides invaluable if sometimes disorganized glimpses into the story of Dylan's last all-acoustic tour.

To varying degrees, the films and other sources are successful at presenting the Dylan music, albeit in disconnected piece-by-piece fashion. For viewers (and listeners) who wish to have the music from that tour more collectively arranged and accurately identified, the dispersed musical components are often all over the map and somewhat challenging to consider as a whole. Handy chronological access to the music has never been easy because of its placement across different analog and digital media sources. In addition, much of the identifying information for this film-based material has either been unavailable, inadequate, or simply incorrect - even for the official sources. The "DLB: Outtakes" added a significant amount of previously unseen performance material, but the date-place information provided for it was likewise seriously lacking or wrong. Hopefully, London Bridges can help rectify some of these failings while serving as a tool for improved appreciation, study, and enjoyment of this great music.

London Bridges is *NOT FOR SALE*. Please note that London Bridges should not be considered a replacement or substitute for owning the officially released materials filmed and recorded by D.A. Pennebaker and company. The two official films in particular tell a balanced, multi-faceted tale of the journey around England, the people encountered by Dylan and his entourage, the interactions between them, and the music that was an integral part of it all. You owe it to yourself, and you owe it to Pennebaker, Dylan, et al to purchase the officially sanctioned products if you care to experience more closely what this very unique tour was like as seen through the camera's eye.

The London Bridges project consists of the following:
1. Two DVDs (two volumes, fully menued) #
2. Three CDs (audio tracks from the DVDs plus the Manchester line recording) ##
3. Detailed notes for the DVDs
4. Artwork for the DVDs and CDs

# DVD audio only tracks are backed w/screen captured images or other photos from the corresponding concert.

## The complete line recording from Manchester (May 7th) is a copy from the circulating tape and *not* from one of the commercial bootleg discs. There is some generational analog noise, but the sound is not compressed or equalized and has greater clarity and presence than do the bootleg versions. The tape extends at the end for a few bars of "God Save The Queen" blaring over the house PA system which is not available on the "Now's The Time For Your Tears" bootleg.


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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Roy Martin\'s Music Collection (5/5) 2DVD / 0 View   London Bridges 2DVD + 3CDs (AD128 & AD130)
NANU (5/1) DVD / 2 PRO View  
Dan Anderson (1/4.9) CD-R/DVD / 3 View  
Notes: 3 CD's & 2 DVD's--Can burn All audio CD's and 2nd DVD on one Data DVD.