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Dudley Connell & Hazel Dickens 12/13/88
Sign of the Whale, Arlington, VA
Set I
Take Me Back To Texas
Only The Lonely
Don't Bother To Cry
Here Today Gone Tomorrow
Your Greedy Heart
Dream Of A Miner's Child [DC]
The Tall Timber [BM]
West Virginia My Home [HD/DC]
Scraps From Your Table Baby, Ain't Good Enough For Me [HD]
The Sweetest Gift
Say Won't You Be Mine
The Coal Tattoo
What Would You Give In Exchange For Your Soul [HD/DC]
Set II
Dudley Connell (guitar, vocals)
Hazel Dickens (guitar, vocals)
Barry Mitterhoff (mando)
Tom Adams (banjo)
Marshall Wilburn (bass)
Last Changed By Gary Field
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Gary Field (1/5) FLAC / 1 View   FM
Notes: master WAMU FM CAS > DAT (A0D0) (a few d/o's & hiss on CAS) DAT > SGI via dodat, 48k aiff > 44k wav via sfconvert, fades & minor edits via soundeditor broadcast 14-dec-1988 [090210.1]