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Brian Eno 06/04/09
Sydney Concert Hall, Sydney, Australia
Set I
5:00 p.m-6:30 p.m.
8 sections
Set II
7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
7 sections
9:45 p.m.-11:15 p.m.
Brian Eno - Electronics, Treatments, Vocals
Peter Chilvers - Brian Eno's Assistant
Jon Hopkins - Electronics
Karl Hyde - Vocals
Leo Abrahams - Guitars
Plus "The Necks": ( )
Chris Abrahams - Piano
Lloyd Swanton - Bass
Tony Buck - Drums

From the official site:

Experience Brian Eno performing live onstage for the first time ever in Australia!
Prepare for PURE SCENIUS when the LUMINOUS mastermind joins forces with Underworld's Karl Hyde, guitarist Leo Abrahams, synthesist Jon Hopkins and Australia's undisputed maestros of improvised minimalism - The Necks.
One day. Three improvised concerts. Two intervals. Each concert picks up where the other left off. Choose your own one, two or three part adventure in sound and vision. The first concert is based on a predetermined sequence of events and parts two and three will progress from there - each will have its similarities, each will have its differences. Like a laboratory conducting an undisclosed experiment, PURE SCENIUS will be a combustible, spontaneous, must-see mix of intellect, innovation and instrumentation.
Last Changed By djwilly
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