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Robert Randolph [and the Family Band] 12/27/08
Electric Factory, Philadelphia, PA
Set I
Joyful Sounds->
More Love->
Wanta Be Smart>
More Love
The March
Nesha Jam->
Das Efx Jam->
Touch It
Hip Shack
Love *->
Rock With You *
Deliver Me->
Doobie Brothers Jam

Don't Matter->
Whole Lot of Love Jam->
Roll Up->
Thrill Of It->
Band Intro Outro Jam->(Seven Army Nation)->
Set II
*Eric Krasno and The Shady Horns
Last Changed By System
(102700) View Source   
Source: Microtech Gefell M200's(DIN @ 10 Feet)>Edirol UA-5(Busman2P+mod)>iRiver H120(Optical); Conversion: iH120 > USB > WaveLab 5.0a > CDWav 1.71 >Flac Frontend 1.7.1 (Level 8)
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Russell (5/5) FLAC / 1 View 102700
Notes: w/ Eric Krasno and The Shady Horns on two songs