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Bob Dylan 06/12/81
Pine Knob Music Theatre SOUNDCHECK, Clarkston, MI
Set I
Masters Of War (instrumental)
Heart Of Mine
Let’s Begin
Let’s Begin (instrumental)
Set II
Last Changed By sean hite
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Roy Martin\'s Music Collection (5/5) FLAC / 0 View   soundcheck (AA074)
sean hite (5/0) / 0 View  
Notes: CLARKSTON, Mi., Pine Knob Music Theatre SOUNDCHECK before concert June 12, 1981 5. instrumental 6. Masters Of War (instrumental) 7. Heart Of Mine 8. Let’s Begin 9. Let’s Begin (instrumental) 10. instrumental A companion piece to the main show, which JTT uploaded a recording of earlier today. This appears to have been taped from a nearby parking area with a view of the arena stage. It comes from a compilation of 1981 Dylan soundchecks; I've left the file names/numbers unchanged in case anybody else wants to seed from the set. The sound is about average for such recordings of the time, which is to say really rough, several steps below the JTT samples.
sean hite (5/0) / 0 View  
Notes: CLARKSTON, Mi., Pine Knob Music Theatre SOUNDCHECK before concert June 11, 1981 1. instrumental rifs 2. Two Ways 3. Please Be Patient With Me 4. instrumental blues This is from the same collection of Dylan soundcheck tapes as the torrent I posted Thursday night, and is likely from the same taper. The sound quality is better, since the taper seems to be closer to the arena (I don't hear cars driving around the parking area in this one), although like most soundcheck auds it's quite rough. The music is much more interesting; the two named songs are said to be Dylan originals, with "Please Be Patient With Me" listed as recorded at Rundown Studio in March of 1981, also played at the June 14 soundcheck, and tried out by Carolyn Dennis on the opening date of the 1981 European tour; it even has a (blank) lyrics page at The "Two Ways" performance appears to be all that is known of the song, unless there's something in Heylin's newest book. Also interesting to me is the taper's comment, near the beginning of the tape, that he had filmed (on 8mm) around 12 hours worth of Dylan in concert since 1974. That archive could be larger than all of the circulating audience film from 1974-80 combined; I really can't tell how much of it circulates. Anyone who can shed light on this is enouraged to message me or post at DIME or email me at [email protected].
sean hite (5/0) / 0 View  
Notes: Third and last piece of the soundcheck collection from the brief June 1981 US tour, probably the best sound quality (which is to say merely adequate); likely a different taper than the prior two. Original track numbering preserved. The opening track is a long series of riffs and fragments. "Patient" is an unreleased Dylan song, known through only two soundcheck performances (without discernable Dylan vocals) and a Rundown listing. "Let's Begin" features prominent Dylan vocals; "Righteous" is performed by Regina Havis. a bit bluesier than other versions to my ears. June 14, 1981 COLUMBIA, Ma., Marjorie Merriweather Post Pavilion SOUNDCHECK before concert 11. Instrumental 12. Please Be Patient With Me 13. Let’s Begin 14. Ain’t No Man Righteous, No, Not One