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Robert Randolph [and the Family Band] 08/05/11
Saranac Brewery, Utica, NY
Set I
Good Times
Traveling Shoes
Back To The Wall
Don't Change
The March
Dry Bones
Hip Shake Dance
If I Had My Way (Black Water)

Purple Haze
Whole Lotta Love
Set II
Last Changed By Shawnee
(129152) View Source    View Archive
AKG 481 > Five Fish Studios TS-2 > Oade OCM Marantz PMD661 @24bit/44.1khz FOB, DFC, 10ft high, DIN(a) 30ft from stage SDcard>adobe Audition > CDwave > Trader's little Helper. Adobe: fade ins/out, resampled/dithered to 16bit/44Khz.
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Russell (5/5) FLAC / 1 View   AKG481
Boedi-taper (1/4.8) CDR / 2 A A View   Audience Recording
Notes: Audience Recording