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Oumou Sangare 04/16/99
Old Town School of Folk Music, Chicago, IL
Set I
Set II
Last Changed By shane
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shane (3/2) SHN / 1 View   CSB>M1
Notes: (Mali)The band included Oumou Sangare on lead vocals and two women singing backup. All 3 sometimes played shakers that were large gourd bowls with rattles hanging off the side (not shekeres). They'd throw the bowls into the air and catch them, causing the beaded strings to hit the bowls. Cool to watch. They all 3 danced all the time, too. There was also a flute, a bass, an ngoni, an electric guitar, and a djembe.
jetydo (1/5) FLAC / 1 View  
Notes: 107 min
LossLess Legs (1/0) CDR / 0 View  
Notes: 07/14/2009 - ecocats
cofuture (1/5) SHN / 1 A A View   CSB>M1
Notes: Fits on 2 CD-R