Trey Anastasio Band
June 18, 2002
Radio City Music Hall
New York, NY
Taper: Jordan Shapiro
Source Info: Oktava MC012 (matched cardiod) > Edirol UA-5 (Oade Mod) > Sony SBM-1 > TCD-D8 @ 44.1khz
Location: 3rd row Taper's Section, two seats left of center
Stand at 9', Mics ORTF, -10 pad ON for second set
Conversion: Jordan Shapiro
Equipment: TCD-D8 > 7-pin > Zoltrix Nightengale > Steinberg Wavelab > CD Wav (No EAC)
Track | Name | Time (m:s)
=Set I=
d1t01 intro Set I 1:43.65
d1t02 Push on 'til the Day 12:00.60
d1t03 Money, Love and Change 23:57.10
d1t04 Mozambique 9:27.04
d1t05 Cayman Review 8:51.12
d1t06 Last Tube 16:02.11
d1 total 72:13.67
=Set II=
d2t01 intro Set II 1:09.42
d2t02 Simple Twist Up Dave 14:54.59
d2t03 Plasma 7:24.27
d2t04 At the BBQ 2:00.06
d2t05 Mr. Completely 26:04.26
d2t06 Night Speaks to a Woman 11:52.49
d2t07 Ether Sunday 7:52.08
d2 total 71:31.56
d3t01 At the Gazebo * 6:18.16
d3t02 Alive Again **, ***, ^ 15:28.86
d3 total 21:51.07
* featuring Trey (solo) on Acoustic Guitar, accompanied by:
Adrian Post (first violin), Jane Kitteridge (violin),
Anya Jocova (viola), Indigo Ruth (cello) from the Vermont Youth Symphony
** Hissing noise is not a problem with the recording as a result of all the
noise makers being shaken by the crowd
*** (with large group of Brazilian acrobats, dancers and percussionists plus
additional horn players)
Many additional musicians and dancers joined the band onstage to dance
and jam before they all paraded through the audience and lobby and out
into the street. Audience members also partipated, playing tambourines and
maracas passed out to them before the encore. (from
^ During the parade, Trey hugs me and thanks me for listening to his music!
Note that during Alive Again, the parade passed directly to the left of my rig in
the aisle. You can hear the different groups of instruments come from the front of
the house and move towards the back. It gets loud... the bass drums were a foot from
the mics!
Thanks to Steve for the use of his SBM-1!
Compiled by Jordan Shapiro on 6/20/02