Source # | 106755 |
Other Sources |
Entered by | Joe Jupille | ||
Checksums | ffp , md5 | ||
Disc Counts | 1 / 2 | ||
Media Size | |||
Date Circulated
Date Added |
04/15/2010 03/27/2010 |
Source Summary | Log Cabin Boys; Sony ECM-939T -> Cassette Master (Sony D6/TDK MA-R90); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/48k) -> Samplitude Professional v11.03 -> FLAC/16; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller. |
Date | User | Comment |
04/16/2010 | biodtl2 | This source has been updated with the circulated version. |
04/17/2010 | charlie miller |
Here is an updated setlist (with many song title corrections): Set 1: d1t01 - Freight Train Boogie d1t02 - Rosalie McFall d1t03 - Glass Of Wine d1t04 - Drifting Too Far From Shore d1t05 - Devil In Disguise d1t06 - Two Little Boys d1t07 - Cold Jordon d1t08 - On And On Set 2: d1t09 - Drink Up And Go Home d1t10 - Mystery Train/Six White Horses d1t11 - Life's Railway To Heaven d1t12 - Diamond Joe d1t13 - A Little At A Time d2t01 - Swing Low Sweet Chariot d2t02 - I'll Go Drifting With The Tide d2t03 - Angel Band d2t04 - A Cry From The Cross d2t05 - A Voice From On High d2t06 - A Broken Heart -> d2t07 - Please Come Home |
04/27/2010 | jjoops | updated, thanks. |
05/10/2010 | charlie miller |
From Sandy Rothman: Here's a correct song list with correct spelling, once and for all: CD 1 1. Freight Train Boogie 2. Rosa Lee McFall 3. Little Glass Of Wine 4. Drifting Too Far From the Shore 5. Devil In Disguise 6. Two Little Boys 7. Jordan 8. On and On 9. Drink Up and Go Home 10. Mystery Train 11. Life's Railway To Heaven 12. Diamond Joe 13. (all talk) CD 2 1. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot 2. Drifting With the Tide 3. Angel Band 4. The Cry From the Cross 5. A Voice From On High 6. Shady Grove>In Despair> 7. Love Come Home |
05/15/2010 | jjoops | Updated, thanks again! |