Phil and Friends
The Backyard
Austin, TX
Source: AKG 460b/ck12 (shotgun tips) > Lunatec V2 > Graham Patton ADC20 > HHB > D8 > D8
DAT>CD: Sony PCM-R300 > Tascam CD-RW2000
CD>Hardrive: My master CD's were copied to my hard drive using EAC in secure mode using the test and copy feature. The CD's were then tracked in CD Wav, then converted to SHN with Shorten32
DAT>CD transfer and tracking and SHN creation by: Jon Riesenfeld (
[email protected])
CD1 Set 1:
2. Jam>
3. Friend of the Devil>
4. Just A Little Light>
5. Leave Me Out of This>
6. Spacey Jam>
7. Mississippi 1/2 Step>
8. Eyes of the World>
9. Night of 1000 Stars
CD2 Set 2:
1. Intro/tuning
2. Uncle John's Band>
3. She Said, She Said>
4. Crazy Fingers>
5. Help>
6. Slipknot!>
7. Patchwork Quilt>
8. Slipknot!>
9. Franklin's Tower
CD3 Encore:
1. Crowd/Phil's Organ Donation Talk
2. St. Stephen>
3. Mason's Children
4. Doin' That Rag