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Garcia ??/??/84
Unknown Radio Station, Portland, OR
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Source # 11885 Other Sources
Entered by Joe Jupille
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Source Summary Jerry Garcia Radio Interview. FM -> Cass. (x?) -> Denon DRW840 -> SoundBlaster -> CD Wav -> SHN. CD Wav'd, SHN'd and seeded by Jim Bennett. 
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Jerry Garcia Radio Inteview
New York Area

FM -> Cassette (x?) -> Denon DRW840 -> SoundBlaster -> CD Wav -> SHN

1. ...Nuclear Buildup
2. Parable of the 100th Monkey
3. The Psychedelic Structure of a Show
4. Picking themes (pt. 1)
5. Music is like psychedelics
6. Picking themes (pt. 2)
7. Rock & Roll Reality
8. Dipping Braids in the Inkwell/Stage Fright
9. Concluding Statements

Based on topical comments in the interview, and hopefully with the help of someone who recognizes the interview and/or the interviewer, the exact date and station can be nailed down.

The hiss present as the interview fades in quickly fades to the background, and it's a very listenable recording.  Jerry is just classic.

CD Wav'ed, SHN'ed and seeded by Jim Bennett ([email protected]), with thanks to Dave Morris for the tape.  3/02
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Date User Comment
06/07/2005 Shai Isenberg I picked up this interview in '84 - '85 and was given to understand that the interviewer is Jann Wenner (of Rolling Stone mag)

I believe I got my copy from 'Dead Air' on WBAI 99.5FM in NYC - I have to dig up the original tape, but I think DJ tells where interview ocurred - If memory serves, it's either Jer's house in California or somewhere in NYC

Hope that helps...