Jerry Garcia Band
Keystone Palo Alto
Palo Alto, CA
August 27, 1984
Taper: John Corley
MAC (John Corley's disassembled Nak 700s clipped to brim of
hat for stealth [20' from stage, first row of tables, dead center]>
Sony TCD5M>CDR>EAC>CDWave (retracked)>Shn
EAC'ed/retracked/Shn'ed by Charlie Connor
Correct sector boundaries verified with Shntool
Seeded to fungus, tol and abgd 2/5/03
Special thanks to Bob Menke for the audio discs
CD 1
Set 1
1. Cats Under The Stars
2. Catfish John
3. Simple Twist Of Fate// >
4. //Run For The Roses >
5. Deal
CD 2
Set 2
1. Tuning/Crowd
2. I'll Take A Melody
3. Harder They Come >
4. Don't Let Go >
5. Midnight Moonlight//
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