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String Cheese Incident 04/23/98
The Brewery, Louisville, KY
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Source # 1740 Other Sources
Entered by Brad Leblanc
Checksums d1 , d2 , d3
Disc Counts 2 / 3
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Date Circulated
Date Added
Source Summary SBD > D8 > 7 pin/digi coax > Montego II digi I/O > CD WAVE > Shorten 32  
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String Cheese Incident
The Brewery Louisville, KY
Source: SBD -> D8
By Jerry "Garcia" Rush  
Transfer: D8 -> 7 pin/digi coax -> Montego II digi I/O -> CD WAVE -> Shorten 32 By Doug Nawrocki  
* This is one of the best sounding shows I have and have heard. I know my connection speed leaves something to be desired, bear with it to get this! If you have any comments, good or bad, email me at [email protected]. Peace.  

Set 1/CD 1:
Lonesome Fiddle Blues
Born on the Wrong Planet
#Panama Red
Mauna Bowa
Mountain Girls
Don't Say
San Jose  

Set 2/CD 2:
The Joker
Restless Wind
Good Times  
CD 3:
So What
Texas Whiskey
Before Breakfast
E: Hey Pocky Way  

#1st time played -The fade into Lonesome Fiddle Blues was a result of fixing a poor soundboard connection.
Show Checksums
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33739a177794c01972e40b74133dad37 *sci98-04-23d3t03.shn
3b5d02a04da7e1ef3b808d93a47fca63 *sci98-04-23d3t01.shn

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Date User Comment
11/13/2001 Greg O'Dea I'm not ESPECIALLY impressed by this recording. It's a nice enough soundboard overall, but there are some level adjustments and one might wish the vocals slightly more prominent in the mix. None of this is damning by any means - I'm just trying to qualify the text file's effusive praise. Keepin' it real, y'know?
12/11/2001 Dave Harryman This can become a 2 disk show by simply placing the Joker as the last track of disk 1 and editing the audience (barely audible anyway) from Whiskey and in some places around Hey Pocky Way.
11/26/2002 Doug Nawrocki Sorry that Greg is not especially impressed but oh well. As far as sounding effusive, perhaps he had more SCI in his collection in '98 than I did, that's when this text file was created. The show and the recording are still great. The vocals are fine in the mix and any level adjustments came from the board. Don't take my word for the quality, look at some of the comments in the etree db for users that own this show or, better yet, get it and check it out. Just trying to keep it real too.
12/04/2002 Brad Leblanc In an effort to ease the traffic on Doug's machine, this show can also be found and downloaded here. :P
