The Jerry Garcia Band - 08-08-84
D.A.R. Constitution Hall
Washington DC
Recording Info:
Senn441's on stand FOB -> Cassette Master (Sony TCD5M/UDXL-II) -> 1st gen UDXLII
Transfer Info:
1st Gen Cassette -> Yamaha KX800u cassette deck -> Apogee AD500e rev02 -> SonyR500 DAT -> HHB850 CDR -> EAC Secure Mode -> FLAC7
(2 Discs Audio / 1 Discs FLAC)
Transferred and Edited By Mike Schuncke
[email protected]
-- I left this as it was given to me 21 years ago. Taper pauses between most songs. Used Soundforge to fade in d1t05 & D2T02 due to tape flip. Analog dropout D2T02 at 04:28 , I left it in. Abrupt ending of D2T04
Set 1:
d1t01 - Cats Under The Stars
d1t02 - Knockin on Heavens Door
d1t03 - Run For the Roses
d1t04 - Mission in the Rain
d1t05 - Rhapsody in Red
Set 2:
d2t01 - Sugaree
d2t02 - Get out of my Life Woman
d2t03 - Simple Twist of Fate
d2t04 - Harder They Come//
d2t05 - Tangled Up in Blue
d2t06 - How Sweet It Is