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Ween 09/27/03
The Catalyst, Santa Cruz, CA
Set I
Take Me Away, Don't Get 2 Close, Mr Richard Smoker, Wavin' my Dick in the Wind, Voodoo Lady, Bananas 'n' Blow, Happy Colored Marbles, Piss Up A Rope, Dr. Rock, Puertoricanpower, Stroker Ace, Roses Are Free, Summer Wind #, The Argus, All Of My Love *, Fat Lenny, Pandy Fackler, Buckingham Green, HIV song, Spinal Meningitis, Reggaejunkiejew, The Enabler, BigJilm, Poopship Destroyer


Ohio>Tender Situation, The Mollusk
Set II
#Deaner singing a Sinatra-like love song backed w/Glenn notes
while Gener's amp head was replaced.

*Led Zeppelin cover
Last Changed By Greg Yurkovic
(29624) View Source   
schoeps mk4>vms>sbm1>dap1 ; taped by pw
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Chonz (1/5) CD, SHN / 2 View  
HEDSPACE (1/5) cdr / 2 View   AUD
silentbob710 (1/0) CD / 2 View  
Josh Keats (1/4) / 0 View   DAUD
mocart (0/0) flac / 2 View   schoeps mk4>vms>sbm1>dap1
Notes: 2 audio
PK (0/0) cd / 2 View 29624
jadedelephant (0/0) cdr / 2 View  
jeff (0/0) / 0 View  
James Angen (0/5) / 0 A A- View   DAT master
klik (0/0) CDR / 2 A View   schoeps mk4>vms>sbm1>dap1
Matt-chew (0/5) 2 / 3 md5 View   schoeps mk4 > vms > sbm1 > dap1
Notes: no disc 2 md5s/no shn entry for this show in db yet ween tour diary santa cruz possibly the best show of the tour, maybe one of my favorites ever actually. in los angeles and berkeley we played pretty dynamic musical sets and we were ready to play loud and cheap and the catalyst was the perfect setting. a long and narrow club with a punk rock vibe, we just fucking shredded and played the brownest set in years. we been rehearsing "all of my love" and we finally gotten it to a place where it was passable, although i can't figure out the jimmy page b-bender tasters he plays with the hipshot. we just came raging out of the gates in santa cruz and the crowd was right there with us, it took like 1 song for the mosh pit to get going. we pulled out the most gnarly tunes we have for this one and played our asses off. this was definitely one of the sleeper gigs of the tour. there was so much crazy shit going on that it's all kind of hard to remember, except i think we also did "summer wind" by frank sinatra and "reggaejunkiejew" by ween. aaron summed it up best when he said "this is the place where the hippies and the punks meet and fuck each other up the ass with tea tree oil." before the show i went to some massage parlor because my whole body is in agony, but the hippie girl that gave me the massage smelled like sour milk really bad and her stomach was grumbling through the whole massage and i couldn't stop laughing thinking about the kale and tofu burrito she had probably just eaten before working on me. i think she even laid a nasty fart at one point. also, this bag lady walked into our dressing room and just sat there drinking all our booze before we realized that she wasn't an employee or someone's friend or mom. later on she was sitting on our bus doing the same thing before kirk threatened to kick her ass. all 'n all it was a really crazy fucking night.
Meg (0/0) / 2 View   Kidd