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White Stripes 07/11/98
4th Street Fair, Detroit, MI
Set I
My Little Red Book (Burt Bacharach/Hal David)
Wasting My Time
Sugar Never Tasted So Good
I Fought Piranhas
Let's Build a Home
Let's Shake Hands
Red Bowling Ball Ruth
The Big Three Killed My Baby
Why Can't You Be Nicer to Me?
Lafayette Blues
One More Cup of Coffee (Bob Dylan)
Set II
The earliest known recording of the White Stripes in circulation. Show predates the release of their first LP. Recording features a Burt Bacharach cover of "My Little Red Book," which has not surfaced on any other recording. "Red Bowling Ball Ruth" is the rarely-played B-side from the "The Big Three Killed My Baby" 7".
Last Changed By Dave M [db.etree admin]
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