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Frank Zappa 12/07/75
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
Set I
Naval Aviation In Art?
Blues Intro
Poodle Lecture
Dirty Love
How Could I Be Such A Fool?
I Ain't Got No Heart
I'm Not Satisfied
Black Napkins
Advance Romance
Honey Don't You Want A Man Like Me?
The Illinois Enema Bandit
Carolina Hardcore Ecstasy
Lonely Little Girl
Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance
What's The Ugliest Part Of Your Body?
Chunga's Revenge
Zoot Allures
Filthy Habits
Camarillo Brillo
Muffin Man
I'm The Slime
San Ber'dino
Set II
w/ Eddie Jobson (Roxy Music)on Sinkfoot, Black Napkins,Chunga's Revenge and Filthy Habits
Last Changed By Dave M [db.etree admin]
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