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Pink Floyd 11/12/69
Studio, Rome, Italy
Set I
CD1: (65:50)
1. Heart Beat, Pig Meat (soundtrack version) 3:11
2. Heart Beat, Pig Meat (film version) 2:54
3. Riot Scene 6:24
4. Fingal's Cave 1:51
5. Crumbling Land (with rock intro) 1:46
6. Crumbling Land (film version) 0:36
7. Crumbling Land (soundtrack version) 4:13
8. Crumbling Land (extended version) 5:50
9. Crumbling Land (full mix) 5:11
10. Unknown Song (soundtrack version) 5:59
11. Unknown Song (rough mix) 6:49
12. Unknown Song (full mix) 6:57
13. Country Song (humming version) 2:11
14. Country Song (harpsichord version) 1:20
15. Country Song (soundtrack version) 4:38
16. Country Song (full mix) 5:54
Set II
CD2: (72:57)
1. Love Scene #1 6:34
2. Love Scene #2 (rough mix) 6:22
3. Love Scene #2 (full mix) 6:53
4. Love Scene #3 7:52
5. Love Scene #4 (soundtrack version) 6:43
6. Love Scene #4 (full mix) 6:49
7. Love Scene #5 6:42
8. Love Scene #6 (soundtrack version) 7:25
9. Love Scene #6 (full mix) 7:25
10. Come In Nr.51, Your Time Is Up (soundtrack version) 5:00
11. Come In Nr.51, Your Time Is Up (film version) 5:05
Studio sessions recorded in Rome, Nov-Dec 1969

CD1 1-7-10-15, CD2 5-8-10:
"Zabriskie Point - Extended Soundtrack" CDs
CD1 2-6, CD2 11: "Zabriskie Point" LaserDisc
CD1 4-8-11, CD2 2: "Omay Yad" RoIO CD
CD1 3-5-9-12-13-14-16, CD2 1-3-4-6-7-9:
"A Journey Through Time & Space" RoIO CD

Tracks from the RoIOs were carefully remastered:
- speed corrected
- levels, balance and EQ adjusted
- unwanted noise cleaned

Tracks from the "Zabriskie Point" LaserDisc were slightly
cleaned (some static noise carefully removed).
Last Changed By Pete Raber
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