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Charles Mingus 07/17/02
Vitoria-Gasteiz Jazz Festival, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Brasil
Set I
1 - Haitian Fight Song (Charles Mingus)
2 - Passions of a Woman Loved (Charles Mingus)
3 - Goodbye Pork Pie Hat (Charles Mingus)
4 - Boogie stop shufle (Charles Mingus)
5 - Don't Let it Happen Here (Charles Mingus)
Set II
Alex Foster saxo alto
John Stubblefield saxo tenor
Craig Handy saxo tenor
Jaleel Shaw saxo alto
Mike Sim saxo baritono
Alex Sipiagin trompeta
Kenny Rampton trompeta
John Swana trompeta
Conrad Herwig trombon
Ku-umba Lacy trombon
Earl McIntyre trombon bajo
Kenny Drew Jr. piano
Boris Kozlov contrabajo
Tommy Crane bateria
Last Changed By Vern Suter
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