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Garcia 11/12/90
Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles, CA
Set I
Cats Under The Stars
And It Stoned Me
That's What Love Will Make You Do
Forever Young
Tough Mama
My Sisters And Brothers
Set II
I Second That Emotion
Dear Prudence
Mississippi Moon
Russian Lullaby
Rubin And Cherise
Tangled Up In Blue

Jerry Garcia Band:

Jerry Garcia
John Kahn
Melvin Seals
Jaclyn LaBranch
Gloria Jones
David Kemper
Last Changed By Michael
(96579) View Source   
JGB flac24: Archival Audio's Toa k1's "active" (about 6'high) > Sony WM-TCD-6C > Maxell MX-90's x 2 (Dolby C on); Tascam 302 Dolby C on playback > Monster Y (RCA splitter) > Monster interlink 101 RCA > 1/4"> Fostex (stock) FR2-LE 24bit/48khz (dual mono) BWF > Transcend 133x CF card; > usb > iBook G4 1.2 GHZ / 1.25 GB RAM OSX 10.4.1 1> BWF opened in Peak5.2 [tracked and faded] [DC bias removal] [Carbon MDA VST effects-Image-plugin- MS->LR : regions [labels] exported .wav > xACT v1.62 to FLAC (level 8 ) generate ffp and len (shntool) output.
(102652) View Source   
FOB Master Audience: Seats Orch Row H Seat 118 (Aisle 4) = 12 Row. MAC: Toa k1's "active" (about 6'high) > Sony WM-TCD-6C > Maxell MX-90's x 2 (Dolby C on) PlayBack: MAC: Tascam 302 Dolby C on > Monster Y (RCA splitter) > Monster interlink 101 RCA > 1/4"> Fostex (stock) FR2-LE 24bit/48khz (dual mono) BWF > Transcend 133x CF card. Transfer info: > usb > iBook G4 1.2 GHZ / 1.25 GB RAM OSX 10.4.1 1> BWF opened in Peak5.2 [tracked and faded] [DC bias removal] [Carbon MDA VST effects-Image-plugin- MS->LR] regions exported .wav24 48khz wav24 opened in Sample Manager 3.1.3 [iZotope resampler - MBIT+] (iZotope 64-bit SRC utilizes a hyrbrid algorithm | MBIT+ dithering algorithm features psychoacoustic noise shaping) > 16 bit 44.1khz > xACT v1.62 to FLAC (level 8 ) fix SBE's generate ffp and len (shntool) output. Recorded, Transfered, Mastered & Seeded by Ian Stoy aka ArchivalAudio
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