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Gov't Mule 04/29/03
Moby Arena, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Set I
Disc 1:
1. Bad Little Doggie
2. Lay Your Burden Down
3. Rocking Horse
4. Thorazine Shuffle
5. Beautifully Broken
6. Sco-Mule
7. Banks Of The Deep End
8. Time To Confess
Disc 2:
1. Lively Up Yourself>Drums
2. Into The Mystic
3. Soulshine
4. E: Mule
Set II
w/Greg Rzab-bass
Last Changed By Richard D. Jordan
(87166) View Source   
Source: schoeps cmc6/mk4's (ortf)>v2>dap1
Transfer: dap1>digi coax>terratec ews88mt>samplitude>cdwav>cdr/shn
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