(18330) View Source
FOB AKG 391 -> Graham Patten DMIC-20 -> D8 @ 48khz -> Delta DIO 2496 -> Soundforge 6.0 -> CD Wave -> mkwACT -> shn; Normalizing & Retracking: shn -> .wav -> Soundforge 6.0 -> shn; Taped and transferred by Chase Banna; Normalizing by Dan O'Neil; presumably rework of
this seed?
(18382) View Source
FOB AKG 391 -> Graham Patten DMIC-20 -> D8 @ 48khz; Transfer: D8 -> Delta DIO 2496 -> Soundforge 6.0 -> CD Wave -> mkwACT -> shn; Taped and transferred by Chase Banna
(21174) View Source
FOB AKG 391 -> Graham Patten DMIC-20 -> D8 @ 48khz; Transfer: D8 -> Delta DIO 2496 -> Soundforge 6.0 -> CD Wave -> mkwACT -> shn; Taped and transferred by Chase Banna; Editing, retracking: shn -> WAV -> Digital Orchestrator Pro (-> CD Wave Audio Editor) -> shn, by David Kostyk; presumably rework of
this seed