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Liz Phair 02/01/92
Complete Girlysound Demos, Chicago, IL
Set I
Disc 1

1. Black Market White Baby Dealer
2. Johnny Sunshine
3. Elvis Be True
4. Fuck Or Die
5. Flower
6. Beg Me
7. Whip Smart
8. Go Speed Racer
9. Why I Left California
10. South Dakota
11. Stratford-on-Guy
12. Shane
13. Willie The Six-Dick Pimp
14. Divorce Song
15. Go West
16. If I Ever Pay You Back
17. In Love With Yourself
Set II
Disc 2

1. Hello Sailor
2. Wild Thing
3. Fuck And Run
4. Can't Get Out Of What I'm Into
5. Fire Up the Batmobile
6. Sometimes A Dream Is What Makes You A Slave
7. It's Not That Easy
8. Chopsticks
9. Do You Love Me
10. Soap Star Joe
11. I Know It's Not Easy
12. Red Ruby Lips (not Liz)
13. Miss Lucy
14. Dead Shark
15. One Less Thing
16. Money
Last Changed By Dave Konrad
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