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Bob Weir ??/??/79
WNEW FM, New York, NY
Set I
There was songs played but they have been edited out somewhere down the line
and it's not the best of editing as some spoken words have been cut.

topics include:

Samson and Delilah & Shakedown Street
more Shakedown Street material discussed
Set II
This tape came to me labeled as 1978 but I'm certain that's incorrect.
The interviewer thanks Bob for the two shows they just did
at the Coliseum in Long Island. Looking at Deadbase, there were no
two shows in Long Island in '78, however there were 2 shows at Nassau in January of 1979.
So I am willing to bet this took place the 2nd week of January 1979 or thereabouts.
Also they talk about Shakedown Street "our most recent offering".
Shakedown came out just 2 months prior to January 1979.
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