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Frank Zappa 02/18/04
Rockline, Los Angeles, CA
Set I
Frank and the Beemer discuss bootlegs
Q&A in 1981
Don't Eat The Yellow Snow
hot quote of the week (no Zappa content)
Dweezil Zappa interviewed
Q&A in 1981 (Zappa gets censored)
Steve Vai interviewed
Trouble Comin' Everyday
Q&A in 1981
Terry Bozio interviewed
Joe's Garage
Q&A in 1981
Dweezil Zappa interviewed
Cosmik Debris
Q&A in 1981
Steve Vai interviewed
Peaches en Regalia
Q&A in 1981
Bobby Brown
Zappa air play is discussed
My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mamma
Dweezil Zappa interviewed
Black Napkins
Bob Coburn speaks
Zappa in 1981
end credits
Set II
This was a show titled "The Genius Of Frank Zappa". It combined recent interviews with Dweezil Zappa, Steve Vai and Terry Bozio as well as clips from Frank's May 18th 1981 Rockline appearance.
Last Changed By Dave M [db.etree admin]
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