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Medeski Martin & Wood 04/22/05
Lakewood Theater, Dallas, TX
Set I
Improv, Improv, [unknown or new song], End of the World Party, Mami Gato, Lonely Avenue, We're So Happy
Set II
Who The Fuck, Paris, New Planet, Legalize It, Reflector > Drum Solo > Reflector, Curtis, Uninvisible, E: The Letter
set 1: 65 min; set 2: 81 min
Last Changed By Tom Luhrs
(29084) View Source   
flac16; ADX50 (xy90)> DAP1> TopperDAW> DP4.5> FLAC
(29145) View Source   
flac16; XY Neumann KM-140 > Lunatec V2 > Benchmark AD2K+ @ 24/96; Downsampled with Secret Rabbit Code 0.1.1, hp-tpdf dither
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