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Tom Waits ??/??/83
Rusted Brandy On A Diamond Glass, Various, Various
Set I
David Letterman Show, N.Y.C., December 21, 1983 (Swordfishtrombones)

David Letterman Show, N.Y.C., February 6, 1986 (Rain Dogs)

David Letterman Show, N.Y.C., October 16, 1987 (Franks? Wild Years)

David Letterman Show, N.Y.C., October 5, 1988 (Big Time)

Arsenio Hall Show (1992)

David Letterman, N.Y.C., September 27, 1999

Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno, L.A., California, March 15, 2000

2002, May 8 Late Show With David Letterman
Set II
"Rusted Brandy On A Diamond Glass - A Collection Of Tom Waits On Network Television"
Last Changed By rabble
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