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The Gourds 11/??/94
The Electric Lounge, Austin, TX
Set I
When Wine Was Cheap
Trampled by the Sun
Black Shiny Head
Money Honey
In the Pines
Ringing Dark & True
Set II
Broadcast on Austin Access TV. Currently the earliest known live recording of the Gourds. It's a stark sound when compared to later day sounds of the Gourds, the 4 piece band consisting of Kevin Russell, Jimmy Smith, Claude Bernard & Charlie Llewellin. The accordion has a reed-ier sound than today's Gourds fan might expect as Claude was playing an earlier squeezebox than he currently features.

Kevin indicates that they have played another show this day, "on campus, at a coffeehouse".

When Wine Was Cheap has slightly different lyrics than the eventual version, specifically where the "words were like bargains"instead of "words were like bullshit." However, it's amazing how little this song has changed over the years.

Trampled By The Sun is arranged slightly differently than its eventual form. Claude's accordion sounds almost like a farfisa organ on this tune.

Black Shiny Head has Claude singing lead vocals and Jimmy singing background on this Jimmy penned tune. This is the only time this song is known to have been recorded (by the Gourds).

Money Honey hasn't changed much over the years, but I clearly hear a Jew's harp on this.

In The Pines shows off the harmonies 'twixt Kevin & Jimmy, already locked in.

Magnolia lacks the drive and intensity of the oncoming years seasoned versions, but still has plenty of true gourd-sound goodness to love.

Ringing Dark & True may not have been broadcast
Last Changed By Dave H. in DC
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