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Leadbelly ??/??/33
Leadbelly Anthology Version 1.0, Compilation, Compilation
Set I
Total Time-72:38
1a-e.The Western Cowboy/Honey Take a Whiff
on Me/Angola Blues 1&2Frankie and Albert 4:13
2a-f.Irene/Take a Whiff on Me/You Can't Lose
Me Cholly/Irene/Irene/Ella Speed 5:00
3.Mister Tom Hughes' Town 4:38
4.I Got Up This Morning. Had to Get Up So Soon 3:01
5.Western Cowboy 3:36
6.Blind Lemon Blues 4:14
7.Matchbox Blues 4:27
8.Midnight Special 3:11
9.Irene 3:09
10.Irene 1:11
11.Governor O.K. Allen 2:50
12.Frankie and Albert 4:10
13.Ella Speed 6:07
14.Julie Ann Johnson 2:08
15.You Can't Lose-a-Me Cholly 1:07
16.Take a Whiff on Me 2:16
17.I'm Sorry Mama 2:19
18.Mister Tom Hughes' Town 2:17
19.Julie Ann Johnson 0:45
20.Julie Ann Johnson 0:42
21.Mister Tom Hughes' Town 2:18
22.Julie Ann Johnson 1:15
23.Boll Weevil 1:01
24.The Shreveport Jail 2:06
25.Julie Ann Johnson 2:00
26.Dance Calls 2:26
Set II
Comments: This disc is only missing 3 tracks known to have been recorded
During this time period. The tracks to my knowledge are unissued.
1-2; July 16, 1933 recorded at Louisiana State Penitentiary, Angola, Louisiana
3-17; July 1, 1934 recorded at Louisiana State Penitentiary, Angola, Louisiana
18-19; September 27, 1934 recorded in Little Rock, Arkansas
20; September 29, 1934 recorded at State Farm, Pine Fluff, Arkansas
21; October 1, 1934 recorded in State Farm, Tucker, Arkansas
22; October 5, 1934 recorded in Gould, Arkansas
23; October 15, 1934 recorded in Shreveport, Lousiana
24-26; December 12, 1934 Bellwood Prison Camp, Atlanta, Georgia
Last Changed By marleystuff
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