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Leadbelly ??/??/41
Leadbelly Anthology Version 1.0, New York/Washington, NY/DC
Set I
Total Time-52:47
1.When You Got to Sleep, Please Don't Sleep Too Long
2.Ha, Ha Thisaway 2:41
3.Little Sally Walker 2:45
4.Redbird 2:44
5.Christmas Song 2:44
6.Skip To My Lou 2:25
7.You Can't Lose Me Cholly 2:35
8.Dear Mr. President/President Roosevelt 3:58
9.Mr. Hitler 4:19
10.Take This Hammer 2:17
11.Haul Away, Joe 2:16
12.Rock Island Line 2:05
13.O1' Riley 2:33
14.Corn Bread Rough 2:08
15.Old Man 2:33
16.Uncle Sam Says(Bottle Up and Go) 2:16
17.If You Want To Do Your Part 2:42
18.How Long 4:34
19.T.B. Blues 2:54
Set II
These 2 years are missing 79 tracks. They are all known to have been recorded but have not yet been released. This is a pretty big chunk of songs to have not been released, so there is hope that they will eventually make it to disc.
1; recorded on February 27, 1941 for WNYC radio broadcast in New York City
2-5; recorded late May 1941 in New York City
6-7; recorded July 1941 in New York City
8-9; recorded on January 20, 1942 at the City College of New York City
10-15; recorded January 1942 in New York City
16; recorded on January 17, 1942 in New York City
17; recorded on April 29, 1942
18-19; recorded on May 11, 1942 in Washington, D.C.
Last Changed By marleystuff
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